Woman like me | kdrama multifemale [fmv]

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I hope you enjoy my video!

I do not own of any clips of this video i just edit it

⚫edited by; komii/k.
⚫song credit; Woman like me'' by Little mix

⚫and always remember, always smile and love yourself
Рекомендации по теме

-forecasting love and weather
-it's okay to not be okay
-the villainess
-itaewon class
-hotel del luna
-graceful family
-twenty five twenty one
-the dude in me



It is good to see female characters that are not innocent, naive and sweet, But mature, ambitious, mean and just godforsaking REAL!!!


There are times when I just want to watch dramas with woman in charge. You knows those woman feel good dramas that makes you fall in love with being a woman all over again. Those dramas that makes you feel like belonging to the unique species..strong, beautiful, brave and of course with a bit of kindness..


It's all badass but the girl fighting with an umbrella keeps making me laugh 😂


In my opinion the villainess is the most iconic movie of all time


its good, you should also add the names of kdramas with scenes or maybe in discription


such a trip down memory lane...im gonna go rewatch villainess and del luna againnnn....


Beautiful edit💯💯👌loved the woman aiming to shoot in her gown from the washroom scene❤❤.. was looking forward to see Ho Yeon from Squid games too


Happiness should be here! Sae-Bom is real badass ❤️


The villainess...🔥🔥 kim ok bin is just awesome!!


That first scene😂 it is from forcasting love and weather. It was the most satisfying slap in that show. Even after that slap he says 'she is not over me'🤣


This was a great edit, I don't think I've seen it before. Great job


I love all these feminine characters 😍🤩😳🥺🥵


Good to see strong women🔥 🤞👌🏻.. Hope to see girl's in real like this🤞🤞


Awesome TV... Video Editor and Power Pack SFX with GFX feels yeah... Movie Mania from the comedy version, next phua chu kang Malaysia version please.❤


I can't stop laughing after the scene of umbrella ☔ girl


Since people seem to have trouble understanding this "strong female" doesnt mean cold, physically strong, violent, aggressive or rude.

Even if that is often how "macho/alpha" males are portrayed.

Women and men have naturally different strengths and baseline abilities that each gender affords.

Like yin and yang we complement eachother as do extroverts and introverts, night owls and morning larks, brains and braun.

Each is important, each is worthy, and that balance, that togetherness, is when we shine the most as humanity.

And if you are emotional, physically weak, or agreeable/passive etc, that does not mean you arent strong either.

There are various strengths, as there are various weaknesses. We are all strong in our own way.

There is a difference only you can make.

The women and children who had the courage and the hope and the soul destroying reality of facing the war in ukraine, and become refugees overnight.

not knowing if their loved ones are alive, having to leave majority of their men behind, and those men too, knowing they may never see their families again, knowing that even if they give their lives for their country they still may lose it to the evil that seeks to destroy every single thing they hold dear?

Knowing that even if they win things will never be the same, even when they build anew and have children who only know peace, that a war will still rage on inside them, and that they may never truly feel safe again.

and yet each day they wake up and choose to move forward and choose that as long as they are breathing they will hope and fight for the best.

Whether it be in ukraine or in a new home - wherever that may be.

That is also strength.

Finding light in humanity when it seems the entire world is ending and there is only monsters to be found.

Believing there is better when all evidence exists to the contrary.
That is humanity. That is strength.

You do not need to wield a weapon to be strong.
You do not need to be cold or snarky to be strong.

Especially feminine strength.
We grow lives.
We tend wounds.
We inspire hope and peace through bedtime fables.
We instill morals.
We nourish our loved ones.
We are flexible enough, compassionate enough, to bend and not break.
to be completely devasted and yet instead of turning violent with hatred, we heal.
we help, we grow, we become kinder.
We build communities.
We as females need to appreciate our unique strengths.

Instead of trying to imitate the very destructive idea of male strength, that ironically makes them weak and fragile.

As they are a ball of suppressed emotions, inability to healthily deal with emotions, grow and to peacefully deal with conflict and move on.

Their physical strength is to protect the weaker beings, yet they use it to kill, rape, hunt, and wage wars that only destroy the things they claim to protect.

They dont. That is true weakness.

Only when we find a balance within ourselves, and with eachother and our natural ecosystems, can we be healthy in mind body and spirit.

only then can we be free of false notions of strength, and constrictive ideals of what we should be or shouldnt be.

Find your strength.
Nourish it and use it to better the lives of those around you.

Even if its something as simple as planting a fruit/nut tree.

Grow the future.

Violence doesnt belong in our hearts, our communities, nor our shared futures.


Be the best version of yourself girls 😊


I have no idea why none of these include "HYENA" female lead she is another level bad ass & super strong. Loved her & that drama


3:12 this man always in fear lol also with strong woman do bong son
