I DON'T CARE if you have CANCER my child DESERVES your seat - r/EntitledParents

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About a year ago, I was diagnosed with a cancer of the nasal cavity (stage 2). The tumor was quite large. To get it removed, I first had to undergo agressive chemotherapy to make it smaller. Thanks to the chemo, I had severe alopecia (hair loss), which made most of my hair and even eyebrows and eyelashes fall out. At some point I had to go bald, but I wore a wig, because I didn't want to look like that.

0:00 I don't care if you have cancer give me your seat
5:46 My Family is pressuring me to give my sister my Wedding Venue

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The old man has all of my respect by saying "Will you shut up, cow?"


Whew! You didn't get your sister pregnant, it's her responsibility, not yours. Kudos to your fiance for standing up for you.
Bravo to you too!


I feel sorry for the child and him. Happy he pressed charges. To many times women get away with this and hide behind their children to get out of it.


"Will you shut up cow?"

This man made me cackle


Damn. Imagine having your parents being such a problem that the boy you grew up with, your brother walks you down the aisle of your wedding in place of your father


I’m happy that the first story worked out so well. I’m happy that he is now cancer free
And that the lady received consequences for her actions

Story #2:
I ran upstairs for my daughter to hear it. When you read have to share bday my daughter and I just looked at each other. I go through this w my sister and our family.
It’s ridiculous
I’m happy the sister is holding her ground and gaining a new supportive and loving family


The first story made me smile for the poor guy with cancer, I cant believe that people like EM (Entitled Mother) exist


thats actually horrifying that a family member could do something like that, to justify taking something that the op was planning for 3 years and also using the family to gaslight her into giving up her plans and hard work is insane.


My mom isn't a Karen or a horrible person, but whenever she started fighting people while I was around, it was a dreadful feeling.. Considering just how much worse the poor kid's situation was, I hope he got over that situation.


That first story is amazing. How the people on the bus stoped her from running, how she didn’t realize who she hit, how the kid was still nice even after being raised by her, the story was amazing.


I'm sooo glad you're now cancer free & that your hair is returning. And good for you for standing up to that woman. She needed to be taught a lesson. I feel sorry for her kid as well.


She waited 3 years because that's the only time she could get into her dream location. That's just messed up. So the family thinks she should wait possibly another 3 years for the venue SHE ALREADY PAID FOR. Guarentee the sister wouldn't pay for a thing.


To be honest for the second story, I would be screaming. “I have planned this for 3 years and you try to take me away from this?! What type of sister are you? You’re so selfish!” But honestly, keep fighting for that venue! It’s the OP’s and the sister don’t deserve it


I got married last year after two years of pandemic nightmare planning, the fact that anyone stood by the sister as if she was in the right is literally shocking. Wedding planning is hard, there is so much to think about and consider, so much stress to deal with, and to just expect someone to handover the fruit of their labour, your own sister's even, is beyond childish, selfish, entitled and spoiled. Oof I'm seething.


My step brothers mum was like the first woman. She was a complete psycho, alcoholic, abusive and self centered. My step dad tried to get full custody, but the courts wouldn't allow it (joint custody). My step brother took his life a few years back and we all blame her. His death didn't stop her going out with her friends for a new years celebration 2 days after his death, or stop her from taking his money, selling all his stuff and renting his bedroom out.


gosh, her family is so manipulating and gaslighting, I could tell by the way they talked:
"you betrayed us"
"you don't love us"
"don't be selfish"
"she's your sister"
"she needs it more than you"

all of these comments have one thing in common: they are statements, not reasons, they do not serve as logical arguments and are simply just baseless words thrown out there to confuse, ridicule and pressure the recipient. a decent, logical human being would say "I think (this) and (this), because of (clear reason and evidence)" yet none of this is present in their words, they are just throwing insults around as without actually giving evidence supporting their opinions, the reason for this is clear. they simply just don't have any justifications. when presented with rock solid evidence and examples of past occurrences, they will:

1)Deny it/straight up lie if audacious enough

2)Twist your words or the situation to confuse you

3)This one I find particularly difficult to deal with: reply with something that is relatively incoherent and nonsensical, it sounds like they are attempting to state a reason of sorts but it vaguely makes any sense. This one usually leaves the you completely baffled and speechless and its sucks like hell to experience.

4) Respond with another groundless statement that does literally nothing to support their claims, e.g. ("you ruined my graduation last year, all my life I've been catering to your will"
response: "wow you don't care about me at all huh?")

I hope she stays away from those horrible toxic "parents" of hers and their awful spawn.


The wedding one really pissed me off. The dad confronted her and said the venue didn’t matter because it was about the person she was marrying…but took the side of the younger sister who could have simply found a less sought after venue during her new timeframe


Oh my god. If my mom did that, I would never forgive her. I’d probably have a panic attack! Seriously. If she punched a person with cancer for no reason I’d probably not talk to her and only stay by my dad for like- 6 months. That kid should have a good mother. Not some piece of garbage. Of course, I love my mom more than anything in the world and she would never do that!


For the second story, I just cracked up laughing. It was so funny to me that they genuinely thought she would give up her wedding venue.


For the second story, in my personal point of view is that the sister knew what would happen when she laid in bed with her boyfriend, even with protection you have to completely be prepared for the chance of you getting pregnant and having a baby. Just because the sister so happens to get pregnant doesn't mean she tries to steal a wedding from someone else. If having a wedding or planning one would be too difficult she can hire a wedding planner or put the wedding on hold until after the baby is born and they have the money to pay for the wedding. I feel like the sister did that because she would have a higher chance of op saying yes by putting them in the spot light and in a place where if they said no, it would leave an awkward situation. The way the nan and mother reacted is in my personal opinion annoying. A wedding is a big deal, let alone it being planned three years in advanced and most likely being married themselves. They should have never expected op to say yes along with accepting the fact that if someone isn't willing to give something away that they should be adults and not act like kids who were told they couldn't have something. Now yes I do feel bad for the sister, having a baby can be really stressful but she can hire planners to do all the worrying for her, she even has the mother and the nan to help with planning the wedding. This is not anywhere close to unfair, op planned 3 years ahead of time meanwhile her sister most likely didn't plan much and she ended up getting pregnant. There is also the fact that the sister blames op for potentially ruining her marriage but she did that all by herself after asking that question even after being told NOT to.
