Let's Talk Astrophotography and What Will Help You Improve!

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As this channel is for you guys, my goal is help and grow our little community. Looking for some comments and interaction on this one. Hope you guys have clear skies and looking forward to another great year in the Cosmos!

Astronomik Filters
Antlia Quadband

If you’d like to set up a processing 1 on 1 check out the DRI website for more information and tools!

Shout out to Rafael for the data for the thumbnail it was fun to process!

Full Length Photoshop Tutorial!: Take your data to the next level!

Agena Astro: Support the Channel while using the fastest shipping company in the US (use within 5 days)

Highpoint Scientific: Fantastic customer service team can help you make decisions, they also carry brands most others don’t!

Stellarvue - Official Scope Partner of the Channel – Mention me in the Notes at checkout and get a FREE 1-hour 1 on 1 processing coaching session.

- DRI1 – for a discount and support the channel!

Telescope Live: 2 Months HALF PRICE: (PROMO CODE DRI4TL)

Social Media
Instagram: DarkRangersInc
Facebook: Ryan Voykin

Gear: Links included
Main Rig:
Stellarvue 140SVXT
Losmandy G11

Second Rig:
SCA 260

Third Rig:
William Optic Pleiades 111

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Join our growing Community for additional help and support including 1 on 1 time if needed!

Support the channel and a company that supports astrophotography for all gear related purchases Agena Astro has the best prices and fastest (free) shipping times !


Great video. This is the first time i am seeing a astro youtuber asking for video suggestions.

I would say many people who join the hobby dont go big so they buy some cheap reflector or reflector and try visual and shortly later, try to fit a camera on it. So in short you can make a video on getting a good images with cheat telescope/ mount or even a DIY gear. Since the mount is the main part you can use a small mount which comes with the OTA and suggest what that can be done to improve it.

There are many ideas i am sure you can come up for cheap or DIY telescope gear.

Beginnings dont upgrade often so your videos may even solidify the interest in this hoppy.

Take care. Have a great day


1) Critique some of your old photos and show how they can be improved with new or different techniques – or maybe compare some of your early vs later images and how you developed as an astrophotographer. That will teach aspects of photos that more advanced imagers seek to address.
2) Guiding. How to optimize guiding for whatever mount you have (throw out the mount is not an option). The effects of aggressiveness, max RA and DEC duration, exposure time, requirements you see for a good guide scope, good guide camera. Atmospheric transparency vs seeing. When are you chasing seeing? What nights if any) should you just pack it in? How to evaluate minimum required guiding for your main camera.
3) Mosaics (several people mentioned this).
4) In your opinion, what makes for an Astrobin “top pick, ” “top pick nominee, ” APOD. Are these achievable with a moderate priced rig ($10K)?
5) Target framing. Breaking away from the framing everyone uses. A video on the “art” of astrophotography versus the “technical skill.”
6) Printing. What equipment if you choose to print your own? Criteria for a wall-worthy image vs facebook image.
7) Triaging images with SubframeSelector. Is it worth the time or should you depend on WBPP algorithms? Which? I know Adam Block has his strong opinions (which are often difficult to follow), what do you think?
I’m sure if you just scroll through topics in CloudyNights you will find an endless series of topics with opinions that are all over the place. Help us evaluate what’s out there in terms of advice using data or examples to back up your opinion.
I’ll stop here. Looking forward to what you come up with.


I just did a 1 hour live stream from a canoe on our astronomy channel. Had great engagement from a core group.


Astro-vlogs is a format that I enjoy watching (like the ones you already have a couple of). Doesn't have to go into super-detail, but just a sort of "taking you along with me" type of videos. What went well, what didn't go so well, did I mess up or did my gear fail, lessons learned etc etc.
I like gear reviews too. May not always be relevant to me specifically, but I still enjoy watching and hear what people think about something.


I would love to do a mosaic, but have no idea how to make that happen. Using StellarMate, Ekos, KStars


How about a head to head comparison with all your telescopes as of today. In particular how about some details about your results between Stellarvue 140 vs the SCA 260? The SCA is 1.8x larger so does that make it the better telescope? Did you ever fix the problems you had during your SCA review? What ever happened with the Pleiades 111? You left the last video with having a bunch of problems that you were trying to work out with William Optics. What ever happened with that? How are the results of this scope compared to your other scopes?

What's the best telescope/equipment under light polluted skys? The best under super dark skies (B1)?


looking for the best light rig setup based on the SvBony 503ed 80mm with Skywatcher Adventurer GTI mount. Can you provide suggestions?


Hahaha! Great outro at the end. I like the idea of group lessons, maybe something like MoPI does, but of course using all the tools at our disposal. My sched is up in the air, so being able to purchase a class and go back to it if I can't make the original time is a must. Going through different target appropriate for that time of year would be helpful. Learning different tips and tricks as processes evolve is great - even if another person has already covered it, it's YOUR take we're interested in. Cheers!


Thanks for all the content. Since you are now into Losmandy mounts, perhaps you could comment on their new L6 upgrade and what it improves for the user. Also some new videos on the use of PEMPro and how it helps periodic error might be helpful for many brands of mounts out there. Cheers.


Targeting general/common issues does end very fast imo. After some point I think astro channels should go to more rare problems or more sellceted topics. It is always easy to find general info about gear or processing information. However going for rare more unique targets or problems should be always available. There are so little to no info on some of the system and targets.


How about a feature for parents who are not into astro, how to get a basic kit together for a kid who wants to take astrophotos. With a couple of options in terms of price. Is the SeeStar the way to go? That sort of stuff.


Maybe it would be good if you do some videos about planetary. Its a complet differnt world.
Other scopes, other pixel size requierments, other software and so on.


How can we use our existing astrophotography gear to utilise it for spectroscopy


Some hints on writing my own Photoshop actions to automate some of your PS techniques.


You might try doing a video once a month with less know subjects available for deep space astro and maybe break them into categories based maybe on focal length like <250mm, 250-500mm and >500mm for example. I am a newbie and I normally end up going with the recommendations given by the ASIAir App only to find out they are the same targets everyone photographs or worse, the objects are mismatched for my setup and I waste a night of clear skies because the object is too big, too small or too dim.


I was so ready for you to yell “show me the money” when you mentioned the Jerry McGuire moment. Oh well. Next time?


How to improve a Newtonian telescope such as the SW 300 Quattro 😊


Hey Ryan . It’s great that you’re asking us for suggestions and Thanks !
Since you’re releasing videos once a week or so I thought maybe you could devote more time to question and answer sessions . It would cover a range of subjects and maybe even give you some more ideas for content also. Just a thought .


A video on beginner, intermediate, advanced targets and when and ways to get them. Telescope-filters. Time of year - telescope location. I’m always having a hard time finding targets.
