Smart Sustainability 🔊 Ethics Over Fear: Canada, Media & Citizen Journalism

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Conversation about Canada, media, the importance of Citizen Journalism and the need to self-think. Nicolette DeVidar speaks with Wayne Peters, Canadian citizen journalism and Co-founder of Ethics Over Fear on what happened in Canada and systemic patterns of power issues.

Recent events in #Canada taught us many lessons. #Ukraine is following suit. #Citizen journalism, the need to self-think and look at the larger picture in an ethical, but courageous way is standing out more and more. In this Smart Sustainability episode, Nicolette DeVidar speaks with Wayne Peters, Canadian citizen journalist and co-founder of Ethics Over Fear about Canada, the broader picture, the importance of citizen journalism and the need to self-think.

The German chancellor said in his address to the Nation in regards to #Russia's #war in #Ukraine that we "are entering a new age as the European order has changed" with #Putin's attack on Ukraine. The biggest #awakening though is hopefully happening to all of us,

If events in #Canada and Ukraine is showing us anything, it's that we're being called to start learning to think for ourselves; independent of external authorities, media, and other voices that try to steer our thinking in one way or another.

#Canada has shocked many of us in how rapidly it went from what was perceived as a textbook democracy to giving the world a glimpse of a #totalitarian regime.

Guido #Westerwelle, #Germany's former Foreign Minister once said: "#Democracy is vulnerable when people don't have an inner compass when #freedom is endangered."

Those that have lived in oppressive regimes are usually more vigilant than others; as they recognize patterns. Every path to tyranny has a blueprint. While the circumstances differ, the dynamic is the same.

With ongoing developments everywhere, it is important that we talk about patterns, don't shy away from listening to other narratives, and make your own judgment as to what rings true to you.



Smart Sustainability with Nicolette DeVidar is a weekly #television show, broadcasted every Sunday LIVE from Tyson's Corner, the 12th largest business district in the US and vital part of Metropolitan Washington DC. A TV Talk on shaping a sustainable future in the digital/new human age presents and discusses what empowered citizens need to know about the on-going change, intelligent use of resources, smart governance, smart industry, inclusive communities, human empowerment, a sustainable and human-centered economy and healthy, sustainable urbanization. Candid heart-to-heart discussions with people from all walks of life -- community leaders, creative innovators, everyday heroes, subject matter experts, and free thinkers on 21st-century issues push boundaries and address challenges of our time from a social, political, economic, and human perspective. In Smart Sustainability, often avoided "big elephants" in the room are talking about.

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