What Has The Government Been Hiding? 54 Years of Secrets & the Release of the JFK Records

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The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 mandated that by October 26, 2017, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) must release all withheld government files pertaining to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. What will be revealed as these documents are examined? Will the contents provide answers or create more questions?

The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza presented an engaging program featuring best-selling authors Dr. Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics and Philip Shenon, former New York Times reporter, who discussed the ramifications and revelations of this final release of the records with moderator Dave Davies, host of NPR’s “Fresh Air.”

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You posed the question, "What has the government been hiding?" Hell, that's real simple. The TRUTH!


I tried to give these guys creditability until they actually said they believe Oswald was the lone gun man. And then give Johnson's view point full level of truth in regards to John Kennedy's involvement in killing Castro when In fact the CIA went down that path without John Kennedy's approval.


I was 13 years of age in the UK when this atrocity happened and was delivering newspapers all with headlines of the assassination on the front page, and I remember being embarrassed because I was crying so much, but then I noticed that other people of all ages where crying too, this is how it affected people all over the world, and even today when I watch the footage of him being shot down like a dog it still makes me cry, how can anyone do this! RFK and MLK both suffered the same fate, it's just unbelievable that these evil people where allowed to get away with this.


The "new" info is simply a coverup of the coverup.


During the Watergate examination of the WH tapes Erlichman was ask why Nixon always lowered his voice when the Kennedy assassination was mentioned. Erlichman replied; "He referred to the assassination as that Kennedy thing". Erlichman further stated; "It was as though he thought the people involved were still in power and a danger."


As a researcher of the JFK murder. listening to these three gents, the three blind mice song comes to mind.


They never say anything about the CIA involvement they must work for the CIA.


Say what you want to but I still feel Johnson had something to do with all of it. He hated Kennedy and what he told his mistress (Brown) the night before the incident pretty well confirms it all. He was ruthless, conniving and hungry for the Oval Office. He would refer to the President as "that SOB" and had no respect for him. Will we ever know what really happened and who was responsible? Probably not because so much has been redacted (crossed out) from all these documents. People are so fixated on this because they want the truth, that's all. If the truth was to finally come out, maybe that would be the end of it.


I've seen countless interviews with credible medical experts, forensic experts, and experts in weaponry, attest to the fact that the fatal shot to the President came from a distance in front of the car. I am not an expert in any of these fields, and even though I am an educated man, it takes a minimum amount of common sense for me to come to the same conclusion. The Zapruder film clearly depicts a splatter of biological material from the back of President Kennedy's head hurling towards the rear of the car. Without an accurate crystal ball, I doubt that I'll ever be convinced one way, or another, of Oswald's part in the assassination, but I will never believe that there weren't at least two gunmen.


I have one problem with Kennedy Shooting., . That most of the Doctors and Nurses at Parkland ..all said that there was a EXIT wound in back of Kennedy's head..They saw Kennedy before he was shipped back to DC.. Now you would think these Doctors/Nurses seen/get few GSW...?


The Sixth Floor Museum has become the Establishment’s theory of the case with nice, soft lighting and other designer touches. Substantially it’s mostly caca.


This really boils down to two reasons to me that can not be disputed, 1) Oswald was a known Marxist that defected to Russia, marries a Russian woman, had pretty much made his political views known through interviews and handing out Cuban pro Castro propaganda, gets a job at the Texas School Book Depository and nobody, I mean "nobody" is aware that this guy is there till after the fact? So the Warren Report with all it's fancy dictation and dialog never places any blame on the agencies responsible for keeping tabs on this guy and no one ever says anything about this. 2) The missile that struck Kennedy in the head is not the same type that produced the injuries to Kennedy and Connaly. Now you can say all you want that Kennedy's throat wound was a pass through wound that didn't hit anything solid but that argument can't stand up against Connaly's wounds. The bullet that hit Kennedy in the head was obviously a fragmenting (hollow point) bullet that done a lot of damage. More so than the other wounds that were discovered. Now I don't know and can't prove who fired those guns but there were two different guns used in the assassination. So even if the ballistics evidence isn't enough along with the eyewitness testimony from the doctors at Parkland Memorial that day the fact that Oswald slipped through the cracks on the day the President came to Dallas is just too huge for me to let go of. Think about what happened just 5 years later when they cut down Bobby. You would have thought the security detail would be at the top of their game by then at least. No there's too much smoke for me to believe that this isn't a sparkler this is a full blown forest fire.


Ask yourself ONE question... When has the US media or government ever told the truth about anything??


LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES! Come on guys “one lone nut?”


I'm 71 years old. It was the day after my 12th birthday. I had liked him since he took office. I read everything he wrote. I've read almost everything written about this. By the time I was 15, I knew the Warren Commission report wasn't right. I'd like to know what happened before I die. I've not trusted the government since 1963. The Vietnam War was the CIA'S WAR. I wondered how Oswald could have went to the Old Soviet Union and got a job. He married a Russian. She was allowed to leave with him. I believe the CIA and the FBI did the plot. If LBJ wasn't in on it, which I believe he was, he helped with the cover up.


5 million pages, that's a tad much for a lone nut killer no?


Several times they say is “lack of evidence” which three factors play a vital role on this case!
1. Time.
2. All records haven’t been released.
3. What we do have is either erased, blotted out, and lastly conjectured thoughts.


Whenever there is a Presidential Commission; something is about to be covered up.


I'm glad I read the comments before watching one minute.
