Fyne UI Toolkit: Enabling a Truly Platform-Agnostic Development of Graphical Appl... Andrew Williams

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Fyne UI Toolkit: Enabling a Truly Platform-Agnostic Development of Graphical Applications - Andrew Williams, Fyne Labs
GUI app developers have the ongoing challenge of building software for all possible platforms but that is just too much work. The open source Fyne toolkit aims to bring fresh life to Linux graphical app development that also support deploying apps to macOS, Windows, BSD, and smartphones with no additional code development effort. This talk discusses and showcases how to quickly build great-looking applications that will work on any desktop Linux system (X11 or Wayland, with no runtime dependencies). We cover graphical primitives, the standard widgets, and how to combine this with containers and custom elements to build the app of your dreams. We will also how Fyne and the Go programming language are helping to create an easy-to-develop desktop environment for Linux on the desktop and on smartphones!
GUI app developers have the ongoing challenge of building software for all possible platforms but that is just too much work. The open source Fyne toolkit aims to bring fresh life to Linux graphical app development that also support deploying apps to macOS, Windows, BSD, and smartphones with no additional code development effort. This talk discusses and showcases how to quickly build great-looking applications that will work on any desktop Linux system (X11 or Wayland, with no runtime dependencies). We cover graphical primitives, the standard widgets, and how to combine this with containers and custom elements to build the app of your dreams. We will also how Fyne and the Go programming language are helping to create an easy-to-develop desktop environment for Linux on the desktop and on smartphones!