Chapter 4: Conjugation, normal subgroups and simple groups | Essence of Group Theory

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A VERY important concept of group theory, but often taught without any intuition, so much that it often confuses a lot of people when they first learned it (including me). Conjugation can be visualised easily with a (literal) change of perspective! This video also lays the foundation for quotient groups, which gives rise to some unexpected relationship with number theory.

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EDIT: ghg^(-1) being inside H does not automatically imply gHg^(-1) = H, but we also need the other way around, i.e. for all h in H, h can be expressed gh*g^(-1) for some h* in H. There isn't any issue with that if we are proving that H is a normal subgroup though (think about why).

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I love this series!
I found 3b1b's essence of linear algebra really useful and i'm so happy someone else is using this kind of format on more arguments.
Keep up the good work


This helped me finalize my understanding of geometric algebra. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


4:19 Put label / number on vertex hexagon to illustrate the conjiugaison etc...


You’re good. Great animations. I’d focus more on motivation, narrative arcs. Just an idea. Keep going.


Wonderful geometric insights beyond the algebriac structural relationships.


At 9:32, what is the element g, explictly? Under such symmetry g, the group has changed completely (in fact it now acts on a square instead of a cube). So I don't understand how it would make sense to even compare the subgroups H and gHg^{-1}, since they seem to be subgroups of different groups. I know how to algebraically prove that H is not normal in G, but I don't understand the intuition behind this example. Thanks for anyone who would like to help me.


Hey, thank you for this series. However, I don't quite see why ghg^{-1} \in H \implies gHg^{-1}=H. Equality does not follow trivially, only subset.


I think the most intuitive way to understand what a normal subgroup is is to think of them as a subgroup H where H acting on elements of g is the same as elements of g acting on H.


Thank you so much! I have my first group theory exam tomorrow and this is a huge help! I wish my Professor knew how to animate things hahaha!


Thanks Mathemaniac, this clarifies a lot.
One question: S3 (group of all symmetries of the triangle), how can we find its (normal) subgroup(s)? By Lagrange, the order of |H| \in {1, 2, 3, 6}, with {e} and {e, r, r2, f, rf, r2f} have orders 1 and 6. But for other subsets, e.g. {e, r, f}, why is this (not) a subgroup and why is (not) it normal?


I need to develop more intuition! lol
I got a very square mindset after so many calculus jajaja


Fuck me, I needed this when I was studying for my algebra course last year haha, I guess it doesn’t hurt to revise though. I was actually looking for stuff like this very hard on the internet, but I couldn’t obviously find them because well, they weren’t there yet


I know, this might be a dumb question, but can anyone tell me, why anticlockwise rotation is same as clockwise rotation after changing perspective. Thanks in advance!


Very great!! Many thanks for the video


Normal subgroups? More like "No bad videos, yep!" Thanks again for putting together such a wonderful series! You really do explain so many things so much better than anything I've come across before.


I first came across this concept when solving rubik's cubes. Sometimes you have a sequence of moves that permutes 3 pieces, but not the 3 pieces that you want to permutes. So you do a setup, sequence, undo setup. This is a conjugation. Then, when I was watching 3b1b's video about diagonalization of a matrix, I realized it's the exact same concept, P^-1 DP. You can also use this to rotate the complex plane around any given point by translating, rotating, undoing translation. I love how group theory brings together all of this.


The big problems in mathematics is lack of clarity


The point you make around the 4:30 to 5:15 mark is very helpful. Definitely worth you repeating it. Thank you.
