Galaxy Z Flip 4 Battery Life TIPS

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Hi everyone!

These are 6 battery life tips for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 Smartphone to extend the battery life of the Z Flip 4! Plus my Z Flip 4 battery life results before & after these tips.

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🔥Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 Worth The Upgrade?
🔥Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 Unboxing Bora Purple

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► Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 (USA):
► Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 (CANADA):
► Galaxy Z Flip4 Cover Screen Protector + Case (USA):
► Galaxy Z Flip4 Cover Screen Protector (CANADA):
► Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 Silicone Cover With Ring (USA):
►Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 Silicone Cover With Ring (CANADA):

Key Points ⏰:
0:00 Intro
00:42 TIP 1
01:22 TIP 2
02:06 TIP 3
03:41 TIP 4
04:37 TIP 5
05:36 TIP 6
06:11 My Z Flip 4 Battery Life Results Before & After These Tips
06:48 Outro

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Thanks for the video :) I learned something new like the extra dim taking advantage of it now!


Great ideas for all Galaxy phones, ty 😊!


So when I’m just using Bluetooth to listen to audiobooks and that drain my battery a lot slower then YouTube. Will that work on the flip 4 or will that drain the battery faster?


I love this Phone so much and use it much, the battery life sucks, only solution. for me is to use a wireless powerbank, it charge the phone fast and I can charge my Phone 3 times
