How Santa Became Jesus?

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The celebration of Christmas and its association with December 25th are seen as part of Christian tradition and not rooted in Islamic beliefs. While Muslims revere Jesus (Isa, peace be upon him) as one of the greatest prophets, his birthdate is not explicitly mentioned in the Quran or Hadith. Islam emphasizes the miraculous birth of Jesus through Maryam (Mary, peace be upon her) and acknowledges his role as a prophet who conveyed the message of monotheism. However, Islamic teachings do not support attributing divine status to Jesus or celebrating his birth as a religious event.
Historically, Islamic scholars view the selection of December 25th for Christmas as a decision influenced by earlier pagan festivals and Roman traditions rather than an actual indication of Jesus' birth. The Quran encourages Muslims to focus on worshiping Allah alone and avoiding practices rooted in other religious doctrines or cultural influences that contradict Islamic monotheism (Tawhid). Thus, while respecting the rights of others to observe their traditions, Muslims refrain from participating in or adopting celebrations like Christmas.
In interfaith dialogue, Islam encourages mutual understanding and peaceful coexistence. Muslims are guided to engage with followers of other faiths respectfully while remaining firm in their own beliefs. The focus is on maintaining the purity of Islamic teachings, which include acknowledging Jesus as a beloved prophet, respecting his mission, and upholding the concept of Allah's oneness. This approach fosters harmony while allowing each community to practice its beliefs authentically.
#JesusInIslam #ProphetIsa #RespectAndHarmony
Historically, Islamic scholars view the selection of December 25th for Christmas as a decision influenced by earlier pagan festivals and Roman traditions rather than an actual indication of Jesus' birth. The Quran encourages Muslims to focus on worshiping Allah alone and avoiding practices rooted in other religious doctrines or cultural influences that contradict Islamic monotheism (Tawhid). Thus, while respecting the rights of others to observe their traditions, Muslims refrain from participating in or adopting celebrations like Christmas.
In interfaith dialogue, Islam encourages mutual understanding and peaceful coexistence. Muslims are guided to engage with followers of other faiths respectfully while remaining firm in their own beliefs. The focus is on maintaining the purity of Islamic teachings, which include acknowledging Jesus as a beloved prophet, respecting his mission, and upholding the concept of Allah's oneness. This approach fosters harmony while allowing each community to practice its beliefs authentically.
#JesusInIslam #ProphetIsa #RespectAndHarmony