The Psychic Detective Who Solved Real Crimes | Our Life

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Michael Aspel introduces stories of the unexplained, told through eyewitness accounts and reconstructions. From ghostly experiences to miracle cures, strange phenomena such as sea monsters, alien abductions and near death experiences, and tales of the downright weird, the stories are certainly strange... but are they true?

In this episode we meet psychic detective Nella Jones and her special powers. Nella, who has helped the police with investigations for the past 20 years, has been involved in dozens of big cases, the most notorious being, the Yorkshire Ripper murders. She managed to pinpoint a number of crucial details - including the Ripper's Christian name, Peter. 'I hated that case,' says Nella. 'I could feel the evil in that man. Several times I saw his face, and I could smell his breath.'

This film was first broadcast: 18 Nov 1994

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Content distributed by ITV Studios.
Рекомендации по теме

We need more like Nella in the force, nothing to lose.


You have to think about how brave it is to use your gifts like that knowing that they will at first not believe you. That took a lot of courage for her to do that. ❤


What a lovely, humble, and highly talented lady, Nella! It shouldn't be so hard for active duty police to put their ego's aside and give credit where credit is due!


So very happy to know about this! It's so important to accept that these things do really happen.


Wow! Nella❤ would be quite interesting to see you work the Idaho 4 case. Your gift is important to humanity❤


Instead of cops feeling inadequate because they needed help from psychics
If that fact was broadcast, wouldn’t that FACT give perpetrators pause for thought?


So afraid of something they don’t understand!


U can barely hear sometimes because of the background music


I love these types of detective docs. "There are more things in heaven & earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy Horatio". - W. Shakespeare,


She seem real, not like all these fake psychics in this society.


I laugh when I see and listen to sceptical people, cos most people think things they don't know about or understand, doesn't exist. There are millions of unexplainable things in the world. 😅


That is why you need one or two in every department to help aolve cases rather than closing it.

You can be sure of his or her ability if he or ahe manage to solve more crimes.


I read her book back in the 80's amazing lady, you don't hear of her now, I hope her and her family are ok.


I am a psychic but I can’t do what this special lady does. Hats off to Ñ her🎉!😊


The acting on this was a bit farsicle. But I have to admit, she's very clever.


What never seizes to amaze (and slightly appall) me is this: Skeptics like this psychologist BELIEVE TO BE the rational ones - but their explanations of psychic vision are so utterly far-fetched - in fact, RIDICULOUS - and obviously deeply irrational at face value.
I have been experimenting with psychic perception, myself. Went to some seminars with psychics and such. One time, I decided to try it out on a real case. A girl had gone missing after a party in a different state of Germany - hundreds of kilometers from where I lived. I had never been to this whole area. I did the exercises I had learned to prepare myself - and saw a rather unique road with the „eyes“ of my mind. I then (!) looked up satellite imagery of the area where she was last seen, and looked for a road that had the characteristics I had seen in my mind. I found such a road. Days later, they found the body of the girl, that sadly had gotten murdered, EXACTLY in the location I had seen in my mind.
Psychic perception has absolutely NOTHING to do with rational-mind deduction or thinking AT ALL.
It is more like a process of turning oneself into a highly sensitive „tuning fork“ for the phenomenon one wants to learn more about.
I have to say, that when it comes to me, my results vary greatly - and are overall not reliable enough for me to do this for a living.
But I can with 100% certainty state that psychic perception is a REAL thing - which is by it‘s nature outside of the scope of anyone who has no ACTUAL understanding of it, but who amateurishly tries to squeeze it into their all-too-limited world view!
I feel a lot of good could be done with this. Those, who try to belittle it are doing us all a HUGE disfavor!


I wshl she would help solve the Isabella Stewart Gardner heist here in Boston. The largest and most expensive art heist in history and no one has seen the paintings.


Pat Butcher's earings act like divining rods don't you know 😁


For those unsolved missings person they should at least try psychic invertigators


I wish she could locate Margaret Fox. It would help heal a community.
