Revealing A Major Event From Your Akashic Records! ✨📖 💫🥹✨| Timeless Reading

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Pick A Card - Timeless Reading
Revealing A Major Event From Your Akashik Records! ✨📖 💫🥹✨

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⭐️ Personal Readings:
(Not available at the moment)

Pile Picking: 00:00
Preparation of the 3 piles: 03:21

Pile 1 (The Spirit Plane + Green Moss Agate): 10:31
Pile 2 (The Wonder + Carnelian): 35:14
Pile 3 (The Shapeshifter + Dalmation Jasper): 54:18

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🎴Decks used in this reading:
-Oracle of the Radiant Sun by Caroline Smith and John Astrop
-The Myths And Legends Tarot
-Odin and the Nine Realms Oracle by Sonja Grace
-The Fablemakers Animated Tarot Deck by Grounded By The Moon
-Wake Me Up Tarot by Rattanawadee Sukapad & Roshini Sachdev
-The Prisma Visions Tarot by Jame R. Eads
-Wheel of The Year Tarot by Maria Caratti

**📚Suggested Book in the readings:
Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess by Dr. Caroline Leaf

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**This channel is only for entertainment purposes. Please note that I do not give any medical or professional advice. Anything that I say is only my personal opinion. Please consult your medical doctor/psychiatrist 💗
Рекомендации по теме

Pile 1 here, thank you, Reem. This isn't the first time I've heard from your readings about me achieving something big like the Oscar's or something, and as an actor, that is something possible for me. I'm also a writer, so I think that could fit in what I do that could get huge recognition too. I don't have to be rich and famous and popular and/or well-liked in this life to be happy or fulfilled, I just want to do something that matters to me and is able to help me give and send the message and energy I want to out into the world, something that really helps and benefits many many people. But if I do ever get famous or have a large platform or am being recognized by a large amount of people because of what I have accomplished, I will be sure to mention and thank you then as well, Reem. :) you have been my own shining star in pitch dark skies, helping me find my way home. I am forever grateful to you and all you do to help everyone you reach. ❤


This is unbelievable! I have spent the better part of my life in advocacy, to give voice to those without, create REAL change for those I advocate for. I JUST received an invitation to a MAJOR event and have been asked to speak to the audience. My husband recently passed due to the very reason for my advocacy and I will never stop fighting for others. I was unsure th😮at I should go to this event as I am still sad and considering quitting. This amazing reading #1& 2 confirms I MUST GO AND CONTINUE to advocate for others. THANK YOU SO MUCH REEM for keeping my hope alive that I will be heard and can make those good changes for EVERYONE!


3 just divorced after 33 years. I am growing, but i do have my bad days. Just trying to live better each day. Thank you for this reading ❤


I just bought your vegan cookbook and I look forward to going grocery shopping and making some of the recipes, they look delicious!!


Pile#3 when you said 11:11 I looked at the clock and it was 6:22. That card is me...Many moons alone but just today I encountered someone in passing who hasn't left my mind. We rounded the aisle at the store at the sametime... Never know 😊
Thank you White Feather


Pile two OMGG!! I claimmm!!

"This could be a literal book" I just wrote a book and sent it away to a publisher

I CLAIM!!! ❤


pile 3 ❤❤ His energy has been so intense recently I could feel it wherever I go❤ the moon meditation card is exactly what I have been doing every night and my twin flame has helped me to grow in every single aspect on this wonderful journey 😊


Pile 2! As an at the beginning of my career, still finding my way, this reading completely warmed my heart. Thank you!


I am shocked by how specific pile #2 is! I am a writer and a YouTuber and it is freaking me out how you focus on creativity and a book!!! It accepts what I cannot know now. I was having some stressful and tired movement but now I am quite ready to get it going again. Thanks Reem :) 🎉


Pile 2, I’m born in 95 and I’m an artist and I’ve just applied for funding for a book I’ve started writing 🙈🌸🌸 great reading thank you


Pile 3- I wasn't expecting this when I picked pile 3. 🤔 thank you for the reading


Pile #1 (The Spirit Plane and Green Moss). I love birds and always see them. I am ready to receive this major event, been waiting for 69 years (just turned 69 on 4 Mar 2023). Thanks for this awesome reading.


Pile 3. Had to listen it twice because it is so wonderful. Thank you 🥰


Reading 1 and I really treasure the advice offered through this reading, Reem. I certainly am working on something and I have been keeping quiet. My intuition has lead me to do so.. All you said came to me, as not really a surprise. It's what I feel is going to happen. This was one of my favourite readings that you've done. Everything resonates so much. Much, much gratitude, Reem and I will not forget this reading. 🥰💖


Pile #2 My beautiful Reem. You have so much to do with the success of my journey because your readings are confirmation that I am on the right path, which is what I need to move forward with absolute confidence. The fact that you put your heart and soul into this and your time that you sacrifice is completely selfless and I can’t wait to be able to be able to express my gratitude in person because I have no doubt that day will come. To utter the words “thank you”, just doesn’t do justice for the appreciation, love and respect I hold for you, but for now thank you my soul sister. I wish for you many wonderful blessings💗💜💙❤️


Pile 3. I believe you are talking about a true twin flame union here. The same soul merging finally and creating that 3rd energy in spirit 1+1=3 🔥⚡️🔥
The ace of wands can be the kundalini being ignited when they first get together. This can be painful for the divine masculine.
I/we have gone through the first part of the process and grateful for your reading showing what’s waiting around the corner. ❤


Pile 1: I am a nurse and have been told several times I am truly changing the world and will be doing something big! Wow. What a confirmation


Pile 1 describes my situation exactly. The jealous, deceitful people have already tried to damage me. But deterioration of that company is happening publicly. I have moved to a different organization with similar values and people who want me to continue this journey with them and continue what I started. This reading gives me such hope. I actually had a personal reading two years ago, where a similar message was given to me in the midst of my dark night of the soul. It’s amazing how spirit guides us and confirms what we feel already. Thank you so much, Reem. You are a gift to the world.


I'm Not from 95 but Met my husband of many years in 95. Thanks you for the marvellous Reading, dear Reem


Pile 3, this is so true. Just such an out of this world connection. So beautifully read. Here’s to shape shifting our minds and our lives.
