The Kardashev Scale: How Far Can Our Civilization Go?

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We have come to a point where we can assume how civilizations are going to be in the future. Join me as I explain The Kardashev scale.

The Kardashev Scale, ranks the technological capabilities of a civilization, according to the energy it is able to manipulate and exploit. The scale was invented in 1964 by the Russian astronomer Nikolai Semenovich Kardashev who was looking for signs of extraterrestrial life within cosmic signals and proposed a scale for ranking these hypothetical civilizations based on their energy consumption. So the Kardashev scale was developed as a way of measuring a civilization’s technological advancement based upon how much usable energy it has at its disposal.
The scale has three types that follow the scale of astrophysical structures in our local universe. The basic calibration is based on 3 energy positions on the scale corresponding to the ability to fully manage the energy resources of a inhabited planet (Type I), the star of the respective solar system (Type II) and its galaxy (Type III). Other astronomers have expanded the scale to Type IV and Type V.
Samples of civilizations that could correspond to the Kardashev scale are both terrestrial and other supposedly extraterrestrial civilizations.
Due to the fact that the American astronomer and astrophysicist Carl Sagan wanted to classify our current civilization, he noticed that we are not Type-I yet and he expanded and calibrated the scale before type I. The reason why human race is not even on type-I yet is because we continue to maintain our energy needs from dea* plants and animals, here on Earth. We are just a humble culture type 0 and we still have VERY long distance to go before promoted to a type I civilization).
According to Carl Sagan, in 1900 during the Industrial Revolution period, our terrestrial civilization was at 0.58 while in 2012 it was at 0.72 on the scale. Freeman Dyson estimated that we will probably reach type 1 in 100-200 years, type 2 in the year 11,200 and type 3 in 100,000 to 1,000,000 years.
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Now let's examine on a closer look some features of the 4 energy positions. What does each of these categories really mean in literal terms?

Type 0
A type-0 civilization is based on energy which can derive mainly from sources where energy forms are mildly stored and are found before the specific type 1,2,3. Our culture today belongs to type-0, which uses sources such as coal, oil or natural gas. As we mentioned before, it is understood that we have not reached type-1 in the Kardashev scale yet.

Type I
A Type I civilization has complete control over the energy of its host planet. As a type I civilization, we would be capable of controlling Earth entirely. So this Civilization has managed to tame and consume the energy offered to it by its own planet, which it fully controls. It would, for example, be capable of collecting all the starlight that falls on the planet. However, the ability to harness all of the Earth's energy would also mean that we could have control of all natural forces. The temperature, the climate of the planet could be controlled in the same way that we could control volcanoes, weather conditions and even earthquakes! It is possible that weaving or even earthquakes can be changed at will by this civilization. So we could influence the nature. At least that's the basic idea. These things are hard to believe, but compared to the advances that can be made in the coming years, imagine that these are just basic and primitive levels of control.
Type II
The next step ? A Type II civilization .This is the next stage in the evolution of a civilization. At this level the inhabitants who make up such a civilization, can harness the power of their mother star, their Sun not only by turning the light of the star into energy, but by controlling the star itself. It would control the orbit of all planets in that system, harvest asteroids and comets at its leisure, and basically consume the entire solar system.

Video Chapters:
00:00 Introduction
00:16 What is the Kardashev Scale
2:46 Type 0
3:14 Type 1
4:14 Type 2
5:36 Type 3
6:44 Type 4
8:02 Dyson Sphere- Freeman Dyson

#insanecuriosity #kardashevscale #astronomy
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Has anyone noticed the fact that becoming a type 1 civilization means the entire world would need to be friends or under one flag


This should be an entire subject taught in schools from an early age. How to better ourselves as a civilisation begins with mentality. Tolerance and open-mindness, embrace human as our identity whilst accepting our differences. It all begins at the mind of each individual and how we see ourselves, the person nearest to and farthest from us.


I wish we were a type 3 civilization so badly. Nothing intrigues me more than the thought of traveling through space, visiting new planets or being lucky enough to meet other intelligent species


I love how things that would have been thought of as science fiction are being seriously considered as scientific futures


A Dyson Sphere is mind blowing to me, almost unimaginable. A civilization that would be capable of constructing interlocking rings or an entire sphere around its star would require trillions upon trillions of materials, either natural or manufactured, from scores upon scores of planets to construct., let alone the cost of achieving such a thing.


Soo this means that IF extraterrestrials do come to our planet, they would be Type 3 since they would have been able to cross the whole galaxy?


We can achieve Type 1 to type 2 diabetes more like..


They could produce a movie exploring these themes, like star wars.


The Kardashev scale originally was meant to describe the power of advanced civilizations, in particular, those that have achieved the ability of space flight. It uses a geometric progression based on the amount of power accessed by the species as it grows. The earliest emerging civilizations don't appear, except as fractional numbers, because their activity is not very significant on a cosmic scale. These only get a full count when they might be noticed by a theoretical "outside observer, " as you will soon see. I am adding a few extra levels to the original three, since there was little use for that as a measuring stick to evaluate gradual progress. Let me start near the beginning, when the culture starts to reveal its potential significance.

Type One: "Novice"
   (revised) intensive use of more than half of the planet's habitable surface area for urban dwelling, agricultural production, industry or resource extractive purposes. Oceans, ice caps and deserts are not typically considered habitable, although some oases may exist.

Type Two: "Unstable"
   (revised) threatening the ecological health of the planet by careless practices, whether by stripping resources, excessive pollution, or loss of secondary species.

Type Three: "Emergent"
(revised) has acquired sufficient technology to make space flight and colonial ventures possible. Potential for mass self-destruction demands a quest for coexistence.

Type Four: "Maximized"
(original) Type One: intentional use of all the insolation received by the planet for food or power.
(revised) has accessed or made feasible all of the resources and energy available on the planet. Approaching a sustainable global regime for shared resources and political consensus or a tolerant balance of powers.

Type Five: "Outbreak"
(revised) has established self-sufficient populations, with trade routes, in multiple extra-planetary colonies, and continuing to spread. Industrial development of free-floating habitats, space infrastructure and specialized project construction begins.

Type Six: "Established"
(revised) has explored the entire stellar system in sufficient detail to map a super-majority of its geography and resources. Technological proficiency allows pioneers to colonize the frontiers at will, and choose political independence.

Type Seven: "Expansive"
(original) Type Two: intentional use of all of the energy output of the star for habitation and industrial purposes.
(revised) complete access to all of the resources and energy available within the star system, including its planets, moons, and smaller satellites. Experimental robotic ships explore the nearer neighboring star systems and the conditions of intermediate space.

Type Eight: "Arrival"
(revised) first colonies established around other star systems. Ultrahigh-energy physics experiments explore the potential for travel at relativistic or supra-lightspeed velocities.

Type Nine: "Manifesto"
(revised) seeding the stellar neighborhood with many colonial ventures, discovering the range of variety of system formation and geography, and revealing the frequency of the origins of life.

Type Ten: "Epitome"
(original) Type Three: acquisition and use of the entire energy output of all of the stars in the whole galaxy.
(revised) technological capacity to range at will throughout the galaxy, planting colonies, developing resources and tapping unlimited energy as needed to sustain the presence and growth of the species in all its various iterations. Sophisticated modes of long distance travel and self-contained habitat ships allow for sporadic attempts to surpass galactic boundaries.

As you can see, the original version of the Kardashev scale assessing the power use of a space-faring civilization was excessively over-simplified. Having only three tiers, it did not allow for any detail or description of the intermediate stages of development. At every stage, it required an "all or nothing" obvious achievement in order to advance to the next rung of the ladder, and totally lacked any descriptive or predictive powers.

This revised version does have more capacity for descriptions, and also allows for a certain amount of flexibility. It can be used to note and measure some fractional attainments, and can accept some skipping and mixing of non-linear development patterns, while still offering some definite levels of meaningful achievement for comparisons.

Nor does the new scale have to terminate at the edge of the galaxy, or proceed to such degrees as beggar the imagination. At  Type Eleven, the colonization of another galaxy, and at Type Twelve, the colonization of the whole local group of galaxies is enough, while further expansion into the greater Super Cluster and beyond may be designated by more numbered levels. These do however go so far beyond the imagination that those technologies would likely appear magical to our sensibilities. And any further would simply involve the acquisition of the entire knowable Universe.

It seems probable that, at some point, even before we claim the far reaches of our own galaxy, we are likely to discover another intelligent, civilized and space-faring species and learn not only whether the scale is truly useful, but have the realization that we must share the Cosmos with our neighbors. And that will be a clear answer to one of the oldest questions we have ever thought to ask.

If you wish to adopt and promote this revised scale for the comparison of developing civilizations and space-faring technology, you may be my guest. I ask only that you acknowledge and attribute it to its source, and name it the "Makarios Scale." Makarios means "Blessed" in greek, and any species and civilization that this scale would measure should be well aware of their blessings.

And I thank you for your patience and kind consideration. Shalom. I published this in September 2020, in my own obscure little blog:


Hi everyone, we re-uploaded the video, improving the editing. Hope you like it.


why I originally read "the Kardashians


We are stuck at the kardashian level on the Kardashev scale


I love to watch videos like these!

It's like feeding my curiosity on the wonders of this Universe!


This is a wonderful dream. It sucks we won't see any of this happen in our lifetime. In order to move forward toward Type One, this World will need every human to coexist with one another. And, I don't see that happening at all Especially when history is widely known to constantly repeat itself.


This is to assume we don't get wiped out by an Asteroid or destroy ourselves in the process.


I'm more interested in the medical, social and economic side of the Karashev scale. As well as how the political climate is set in each region, country and how they would handle of hostile nations


If everyone worked together we would be type 2 civilization already


The Galactic Republic in Star Wars would be a 2.5 on the scale, falling short of type 3 for a variety of economic, technological, political, and biological reasons. The Empire that succeeded it may claim to be a 3 but actually represents a backslide from 2.5 to about 2.2. The Death Star was a massive net loss of energy, dragging down the galactic economy, resulting in fandom estimates of a 20% contraction in galaxy-wide GDP over the decades of the Empire's existence.

Humanity on Earth can always backslide on the scale as well.


The Kardashev Scale is an interesting discussion. However, I keep thinking that aliens that advanced will have alternate (and easier) means of extracting energy than building Dyson Spheres or Swarms.
