Use CentOS Linux for Routing, Proxy, NAT, DHCP - Part 8

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In part 8, I show how to manually configure your CentOS server's network interfaces, ip addresses and gateway address, and save the configurations so that they persist upon restart.

In this series of tutorials we convert a CentOS server to a transparent proxy that can handle routing, network address translation (NAT), DHCP, and DNS.

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In the tutorials I am using CentOS. If you do not have the config files then you may not have your ethernet interfaces activated/enabled. I think the interface config files should be created dynamically when you have those interfaces enabled and you are using network manager. Im the videos I also show how to create those interface config files yourself from scratch.


A more cursory command is: service network restart. It will shutdown and bring backup all network interfaces.


Hey dan, I have been following your tutorials the entire way. I noticed that you are using RHEL and not centos. Which brings me to my question.
I do not have the files ifcfg-eth0 and ifcfg-eth1 anywhere on my centos. I went as far as used the locate command and try to find similar files to no avail.Any tips how to do this step?


Also following this guide, although you will have to change all there address's to your address *(HWadder, ip addres subnets and netmask to match your own)
w w w .cyberciti


Okay, to sorta answer my own question. RHEL and Centos 6.2 did away with these .conf files. Why? I don't know. How to implement a similar managing script can be found here:
w w w convirture
