Recoding in R Studio using ifelse() function | Similar it if in Excel

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In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to do recoding of a continuous variable, to a grouped variable using the ifelse() function in R Studio.
We’ll generate data, and using one of the variables, we’ll generate a new variable for a binary result, and another variable, for a multi-value variable.
The same technique can be used with discrete variables.
#Recoding_in_R, #ifelse(), #rprogramming, #rsoftware, #recoding, #rtutorials, #rvideos, #rstudio, #grouping, #collapsingvariables, #groupingvariables.
We’ll generate data, and using one of the variables, we’ll generate a new variable for a binary result, and another variable, for a multi-value variable.
The same technique can be used with discrete variables.
#Recoding_in_R, #ifelse(), #rprogramming, #rsoftware, #recoding, #rtutorials, #rvideos, #rstudio, #grouping, #collapsingvariables, #groupingvariables.