Sanhedrin 59 - February 14, 16 Shvat

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Rabbi Yochanan holds that a gentile is not permitted to learn Torah. He views it as part of the Noahide laws - either under theft or forbidden sexual relations. This is derived from Devraim 33:4 as the Torah is considered morasha, an inheritance, and that is either understood that it belongs exclusively to the Jewish people, or it is understood as a reference to meurasa, that we are betrothed to God.
A contradiction to Rabbi Yochanan is brought from a statement of Rabbi Meir that a gentile who learns Torah is like a kohen gadol, a high priest. The resolution is to differentiate between learning the seven Noahide laws and the rest of the Torah.
What is the source in the Torah for Rabbi Chanina ben Gamliel's position that blood from a live animal is forbidden as part of the Noahide laws?
If a commandment was given to the sons of Noah and then repeated when the Torah was received, that is an indicator that the rule is meant both for the sons of Noah and for the Jewish people. But a commandment sons of Noah and then not repeated after the Torah was given, is meant to be for Jews only. this is Rabbi Chanina's position. First, the Gemara questions these rules as they seem counter-intuitive. After explaining the logic, they proceed to raise difficulties from actual commandments. Those, too, as resolved.
Noach was permitted to eat meat but Adam was not. The Gemara raises four difficulties on this and through the questions, several interesting issues are raised including, why did the snake seduce Adam and Chava? What is the status of meat that falls from the sky - can it be presumed to be kosher?
A contradiction to Rabbi Yochanan is brought from a statement of Rabbi Meir that a gentile who learns Torah is like a kohen gadol, a high priest. The resolution is to differentiate between learning the seven Noahide laws and the rest of the Torah.
What is the source in the Torah for Rabbi Chanina ben Gamliel's position that blood from a live animal is forbidden as part of the Noahide laws?
If a commandment was given to the sons of Noah and then repeated when the Torah was received, that is an indicator that the rule is meant both for the sons of Noah and for the Jewish people. But a commandment sons of Noah and then not repeated after the Torah was given, is meant to be for Jews only. this is Rabbi Chanina's position. First, the Gemara questions these rules as they seem counter-intuitive. After explaining the logic, they proceed to raise difficulties from actual commandments. Those, too, as resolved.
Noach was permitted to eat meat but Adam was not. The Gemara raises four difficulties on this and through the questions, several interesting issues are raised including, why did the snake seduce Adam and Chava? What is the status of meat that falls from the sky - can it be presumed to be kosher?