Top Gifts for HARD WORKING Guys & Gals!

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2) XTRATUF footwear

3) Books

7) That pesky honey-do item - surprise her by getting it done!

8) Hand made or locally sourced gifts - local honey, maple syrup, jewelry, woodworking... support a neighbor, friend, or relative in their small business!

9) GIVE where her heart is - medical? adoption? farming? education?

If I've saved you some $$ or you've found value through my videos, would you consider supporting the channel so I can keep up the educational content?

Thank you for being here! As an Amazon affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Your support makes this channel possible and is greatly appreciated!


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Your video on sub panel installation was the most helpful to me.


All your electrical videos are helpful but probably the panel instal or kitchen wiring videos helped me most. Thanks for sharing you knowledge and experience!


Those look like some great gifts, and it's good to hear that you have faith based interests as well. You two make a great couple. Don't be so shy, Ben. Let your wife show the world that she loves you with that loving kiss at the end. 👍👍👍


Congratulations to @jjscrazy & @patrickd4699 for winning the $500 Amazon gift cards! Thanks to everyone who participated and have a Merry Christmas!

Some have said that they don't have Instagram/X. If that's the case for you just go ahead and enter by following the first two steps! If you're drawn we should still be able get you your gift card! There's a chance you might need to create an Instagram account but hopefully not.

I'll repost the instructions below but please go ahead and enter even if you can only follow the first two steps!

I'm thankful to you guys for making this channel a success. To say thanks, we're giving away TWO $500 Amazon gift cards!
Must be US based and subscribed to our YouTube channel.
Here's how to enter:

1 - Share this video with one or more friends!

2 - Leave a comment below about which of my videos has helped you the most! This is where winners will be drawn from.

3 - Follow these accounts:

Enter by 12pm CST on Thursday 11/30/23. If you win I will reply to your comment on the gift guide video so be sure to check back! I will need you to send me screenshots showing that you have followed the above accounts. This giveaway is #sponsored by @amazoninfluencerprogram


Great video! Your wife seems like a very great caring, compassionate, friendly girl.


Your video on How To Hook Up a Generator To Your House Using a Breaker Interlock has been the most helpful to me


I really like any of the electrical videos as that is something I didnt learn a whole lot about. Thank you for making it simple and easy to follow along.


Your radiant flooring video is what I used to build out my house and is what got me subscribed to your channel. Your information has been very accurate and I love the concise factual delivery thank you!!


Súper helpful videos, especially the sub panel install from start to finish 👍🏼👍🏼


I enjoyed the top 5 ways to improve indoor air. ❤ thanks for all the great info!


Your sense video was very helpful when I first purchased my home. I have it installed and I can now make informed decisions about our energy usage. As a newer homeowner, your videos are perfect for me as I'm learning a lot about things I have done, or plan to do.

Also, I'll prob get a headlight if I don't get one for Christmas


I would say your electrical videos have helped me out the most. As a new apprentice, I liked learning from you because you explained everything in such detail. You have a passion for teaching and your definitely one of role models. Thanks bro much love for all the free content you give us


Been watching you for many years… your channel is one of my favorites. The video that helped me the most was the one on why the neutrals and grounds are separated in sub panels, it helped me win a debate at work 😜. This gift video was great, you guys rock. 🤩


Big fan of the channel. Big fan of gifts. Thanks Benjamin!


I like how you structure your videos simple and straightforward. I really liked your video on wiring a sub panel. Happy thanksgiving


I've been watching you from your channel beginning and love this wholesome, fun and informative video. Best wishes for the holiday season.


Im gonna get that driver! Learn a lot from your vids! Your video top 8 ways to improve Indoor Air Quality ! Humidity, Range hoods, Mekup air, HRVs, and ERV's explained helped me the most .


I remember one of your old videos when your sister stated to practice singing 😂. Some great tools on this list for sure. Thanks for posting.


The most helpful (to me) video you've made that I can think of is on wiring a sub panel. The way I have the electric gokng to my house, I need to wire it as a sub panel and it wouldn't have been nearly as easy without that video, so thank you for that.

Also seeing you interact with your wife on camera is cute, reminds me of me and my wife. Looks like you have a great family


Ben, it has been great watching your channel grow! Congratulations!
