Profits vs peace: War and imperialism

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We are often told that this endless and futile destruction is an inescapable part of man’s inhumanity to man. But is war really hardwired into human nature, or is it rather an inevitable product of the social system in which we live?

In this talk from last year’s Revolution Festival, Josh Holroyd discusses the nature of capitalism today, how it necessarily leads to imperialist domination and conflict between the major powers, and how an end to war might be achieved, once and for all.

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Fact packed lecture delivered at a rapidt pace ! Witty too. Well done. 💯 29:40


Ponzi scheme bots desperately adversiting on a revolutionary marxist lead-off because it has ''profit'' in the title is really funny somehow.
Great explanation of imperialism, comrade!


I had to play this one at .75, good vid though


Btw, I've one question: If (during the war) the workers overthrow their own government, it's good. But what can they do after such successfull revolution, when the enemy armies come into their land and won't hear their arguments, on the contrary the enemy armies go forward and are going to massacre the civilists and the (now) proletarian army not willing to fight?! That would end up with extreme atrocities and with the victory of one of the imperialist belligerent state. Isn't it a "revolution at costs of civilian atrocities"? The proletarian revolutions during wars can work only in the situtation, in which the proletarians of EVERY country at war will make revolution at the same time. Example of such case: The Commune in Paris 1870. The Commune was successfull during the Prussian-French war, but later the (by the Prussians defeated) army came back to Paris and massacred the Communards - with permission of victorious Prussians.

2nd: I live in Central Europe and I think - the war on Ukraine is the war of Russian capitalists - oligarchs against "Atlatnic" / The Russian leader Putin and his oligarchic friends won't give a f*ck about the blood spilled by Russian soldiers for Ukrainian resources. And the Atlantic leaders and their oligarchic friends won't give a f*ck about the blood spilled by Ukrainian soldiers for the same resources.

They are all the same bitches. So don't try to paint Putin's victory in pink colours...


14:00 looking at his father's activities, this isn't too far from the truth
