Korean Air to carry out survey of passenger weight for safety reasons

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대한항공, 안전운항을 위해 이달 말부터 승객 표준 중량 실측 실시

Korean Air will be measuring the weight of its passengers including their carry-on items, to collect data for safe flight operation.
The company has announced that the survey will be conducted from August 28th to September 6th, for domestic passengers at Gimpo Airport and from September 8th to September 19th at Incheon Airport, for international passengers.
According to aviation regulations set by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, airlines must measure the standard weight of passengers, at least once every five years.
The survey will be limited to those who agree to participate, and will only be used to determine appropriate weight distribution.
The data also plays a crucial role in minimizing fuel consumption.
In a local survey conducted in 2017, the South Korean standards were set at 81 kilograms for adult males and 69 kilograms for females.

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2023-08-21, 21:00 (KST)
Рекомендации по теме

So when will your airfare change to so much per pound? Will your ticket price be based on weight just like cargo? It should based on their on rationale


Good so they don’t have to complain about pay extra seats for themselves.


Fat people have to pay more skinny people get a discount. Some have to work out to lose weight before allowed on the plane . 152 lbs for women 179 lbs for men
