Run Python Script Clicking Html Button | Latest 2021

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#python #html #flask
Video Includes Step by Step guide for connecting python script to HTML using Python Flask library.
Step 1 :
Here we are creating an Html form and on clicking the form submit button
Step 2 :
We are taking input from the Form and passing them as arguments to a python function using the python flask library
Step 3 :
Once the python function processes the form input we are returning the output to an HTML file and mapping it up using the Jinja template.
Video Includes Step by Step guide for connecting python script to HTML using Python Flask library.
Step 1 :
Here we are creating an Html form and on clicking the form submit button
Step 2 :
We are taking input from the Form and passing them as arguments to a python function using the python flask library
Step 3 :
Once the python function processes the form input we are returning the output to an HTML file and mapping it up using the Jinja template.
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