Horizon Worlds: Building 101

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Ready for Building 102 (Gizmos) and creating your first script? :)

Today we learn how to build in Facebook Horizon. This crash course is going to get you started building your very own world in virtual reality!

*Feel free to jump around the video or watch in 2x, but please know it was intended to be watched in order as it continues building upon concepts learned. Thank you so much for watching! :)

If you want to learn more awesome tricks without having to script checkout the following short videos:

And if you're ready to start scripting, checkout this awesome playlist:

0:00 Intro
0:11 Creating an Empty World
2:33 Enter Build Mode
2:45 Play Mode Settings, Collaborators & Importing Worlds
4:08 Public Page & Starting New Sessions
4:40 Moving Around in Build Mode
6:11 Accessing Build Menu
6:48 Change Dominant Hand to Left Handed
7:11 Moving & Scaling Menu
7:40 Returning to Play Mode
8:06 Shapes
8:41 Interacting With Shapes
11:40 Lock Tool
12:12 Undo
12:32 Painting
14:58 Duplicating
16:42 Grouping Objects
17:50 Duplicate While Grabbed
18:11 Delete & Select Objects
19:24 Gizmos Overview
20:24 Sounds & Music Overview
21:09 Unlit Material Doesn't Cast Shadows
21:24 World Settings & Publishing
21:54 Creating World Thumbnail
22:52 Player Settings & Capacity Overview
24:45 Debug Panel
25:12 Player Persistent Variables Overview
25:42 Comfort Assistance
26:11 Settings & Snapping
27:18 Grouped Objects, Snapping & Duplicate via Array
31:49 Properties Panel
32:54 Zoom Into Group
33:47 Properties Panel Attributes
36:27 Properties Panel Behavior & Animation
42:06 Properties Panel More Tab
43:35 Bring Properties Panel To You
44:16 Painting Custom Colors & Eyedropper Tool
45:45 Outro

Add me in Horizon @Laex05

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Рекомендации по теме

I'm really wondering why horizon isn't getting so much attention, it's so cool to build a own world and play with people. Also Workroom is an amazing thing... 😳


Extremely helpful. I have ADHD and had to stop every 5 minutes to compend but I am able to understand your video so thank you❤


OMG this is exactly what I was looking for! Goodbye new years resolution, hello learning something new, building and exploring Horizons. Thank you sooo much you are amazing!


I just got acces to horizon worlds from europe somehow and im so glad i got to find your tutorials! Thank you!


As someone who went down the indie path as a coder, It's fascinating to watch as someone who's more artistically inclined work on something as simple as trees. Never would have though to turn a half torus and a rounded off cylinder into a tree. Bonus points because it came out looking pretty good in a surreal/dreamlike way.


Exactly the channel I was looking for! Thank you for taking the time to make those videos.


Just got into Horizons, I'm in England. This video was great. I've done a lot of modelling and animation in Blender so I recognise a lot of what's going on, your instructions are so clear and the ideas are inspiring. My mind is exploding with ideas right now. Can you import anything? Even 2d images?


29:26 this was incredibly helpful. Thank you for this full length video and how to build and create. It was a lot of searching up this video is the best out there so far. My husband and I have. Meta quest 3 and finding tutorials has been a pain.

Thank you for sharing


This was extremely informative and helpful for a beginner like me! Can’t wait for the next one!!!


Rewatching a year later. Just wanted to tell ya, your channel and your videos made me fall in love with the Quest and with Horizon without even having access to either of them. Unfortunately I couldn't afford a Quest this whole time and failed to save money in the past year but hopefully used Quest 2 prices will drop now with quest 3 out, who knows, maybe I'll even get to meet you in a couple months!?!!


I'm soooo glad 😀 I found your tutorials. You did a great job at breaking down what everything does. You are the 5th video I looked at about creating worlds. After watching this one I knew I didn't need to look any further. I have already shared your video with a few people and told them to watch the entire video when they have free time and are not distracted. This should be inside Horizon World tutorial. Thanks for all the great information and I will continue to watch. You didn't mention if u had any worlds that you wanted everyone to check out. I would like to see your creations. Also I'm a new subscribers and I will be pulling up your videos as I start creating my world this weekend and in your words, 🤣


ty ty ty I can't express howuch I needed this haha


This is EXACTLY what Horizon Worlds needed! Thank you all so much for dedicating your time and explaining these lessons in a simple format for the world to have :)

A+++ you are Rockstars in my book!!


Best guidelines for enjoy Horizon World! Thx.


Wow man!! Thank you so much. This was 100x better than the tutorials on the Quest. I’ll probably watch this again before moving on. Very informative!


I’ve watched your video before getting to sleep yesterday. I did my first world today. If you want to check it out, i called it : My first tree. I have a strong feeling that i will spend a lot of time creating on horizon this winter! Thanks for the great video.


Exactly what I was looking for with the snapping array. Was trying to build steps the full length of a building. I was getting really frustrated trying to align them. Thank you!


This video is SOO much better than going through the tutorials. I'm just starting out building a world and the double grabbing to size objects was something I was unaware of till I watched this. You a legend for making this whole video.


Really Special, Unique, Underrated and Amazing Youtuber here...

and the guy who made this video does a very good job too!

yuk yuk LOL Yo, thanks for the clarity!


Great video series, thank you! I've watched many of your videos and am learning a ton. You do go very fast sometimes though. I usually watch a video, put on my headset and try things out. I find myself re-watching your videos once I've tried things out and concepts click.

I have to say though the building tools are very basic. I hope Meta is planning on improving the tools and adding features so we can slice, dice and hollow out object. I also think the snapping function need so additional features such as locking a snap point so when you snap another point on an object the first one stays in place. They also really need to add the ability to bring in our own textures so we can apply them to objects.

I did a lot of building in Second Life back in the day and their build tools are so much more advanced.

I'm also looking for a place I can provide the Horizon World team with some feedback and ideas but I haven't found where I can so that.

Thanks again and keep up the great work!
