Scientific Explanations in Movies be like...

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How do "Scientists" like Tony Stark "explain" time travel and the like in movies like Avengers? Let's find out! :^D
Oh no, Professor Chadington. The terrible thing that wasn’t supposed to happen happened and now our world is danger! We need to go back 3000 years into the future and stop Maxmoefoe from posting his final Japan vlog!
That’s cool and all, but you can’t time travel.
But can’t you do that one cool thing with the particle accelerator?
Don’t think that will work, we would need to find the eigen values of an n-torus for that. But we could use the warp drive to quantum chrono dab on an einstein rosen bridge in a measure space of negative probability density which would imply the existence of a unified gauge theory under the assumption that Tachyons move slower than the speed of light.
That sounds… reasonable.
Alright, gotta quantum entangle with joe momma and then we’ll save the world.
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