THE NTEB SUNDAY SERVICE: Jesus Is Knocking, Will YOU Answer?

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In Revelation 3, we see an astonishing picture of the Church Jesus started on the cross with His own blood, and it’s lukewarm and apathetic to the condition of the lost and dying outside of its four walls. Jesus is no longer welcome in this end times ‘affirming Church’ and He’s been thrust out. That’s the bad news. The good news is that He still stands on the other side of the Church door, knocking to see if anyone inside is interested in breaking away from the crown-losing herd to sign up for a ‘special ops’ assignment. Gone are the days of worldwide revival seen by the likes of DL Moody and others at the end of the 19th century before the ‘falling away’ would begin. It has been replaced with ‘easier to read’ modern translations that have no power, whilst smoke machines and laser lights stand in place of the ‘inquiry room’ and the ‘mourner’s bench’. If you really take a good look at the Church in 2023, you might be tempted to have nothing to do with it. But before you do, consider this. Even at this late hour, the Lord Jesus stands just outside the church door, and He’s knocking. What’s He looking for? Any born again man or woman who is wanting to fight the good fight, finish their course and keep the faith. Is that you? If it is, Revelation makes you a promise that if you’ll answer, the Lord will give you a ‘special ops’ last days assignment that bears crowns at the Judgment Seat. A word of warning before answering the door, however. Accepting this assignment will cause you to ‘separate from the pack’ of Laodicean church members who may just make a ‘ministry’ out of stopping you from completing the mission. You will be fighting against the world, the flesh, the Devil and the corporate Church, and you’ll be fighting for one more soul to fill one more seat on Flight #777. Is it worth it to expend all that effort for so few souls when the Church Age is just about to be over anyway? Come with me on this Sunday Service and find out.
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Geoff, would you add my son Tristan to your prayer list? He went missing on November 29 this year.
