Why Children Must Lie On Their Father's Chest After Birth

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Men with high blood pressure giving todlers the sweats. 💀💀💀


I didn’t realize this was a thing until just 4 months ago right after my daughter was born as the doctor and staff encouraged the bare chest contact so I’m thankful that they did. In that moment, I definitely felt a sense of calm, security, and that being where she was supposed to be. Was a beautiful moment.


My son gave me a fist bump as he shot out the womb. Pretty cool dude


My daughter spent the majority of her waking hours on my chest, sleeping and playing.
We are still very close after 50 years.


also, father's oxytocin levels increase with skin to skin contact at higher levels than it does with the mother


I drove my son ALOT in the first year to and back from “day care” with his grandparents. I would sing the entire time. Mostly the same song so it was a repetitive and routine event. Now at 21 months old there is something about my voice that calms him and he doesn’t need to see me if he can hear me.


happy to hear this. I was primary caregiver to all four of my children (wife worked) - EVERY day my babies would go to sleep on my chest lying on the couch. When they dropped into sleep, the top of their heads (right under my nose) would get warm and they would emit a hypnotic scent - I can still smell it. It was intoxicating. So glad it was good for them.


I know two brothers, this was done with the one, but not the other. Guess which one is a successful functioning adult, with a good relationship with his parents/other people and which one is a complete train wreck ? This just confirms what doctors and his parents later believed.


I hope that people start to realize how important men/fathers are in society and children's growth..in a world where fatherlessness is foolishly praised for some fucked up reason.


Adults and infants have vastly different heart rates.


I remember being a really small kid and laying on my dad's chest on lazy weekend afternoons and all of us taking a family nap. Every now and then I go back to those memories and that sense of calm, not just because it was a better time where I had no worries and my parents weren't divorced but because those were the moments I felt closest to my dad for most of my early childhood. Even now I still like to hear my dad's heartbeat, it's much much more rare these days but when it happens I feel calmer and protected in a way only a father can provide. (For context I'm a 24 male, nearly 25. This stuff does stick with your kids, whether you or they realize it or not)


Me and my wife did this a lot. Not just because we heard how important it is to have plenty of skin to skin contact with your newborn but also because it feels so good to have your baby sleeping on you, haha. I would take shower with my infant daughter every night and then let her pass out on my chest. I don’t know if we just got lucky but thankfully she would always sleep through the night if I did that. To the point momma would make me do it every night to make sure she could get some rest. Haha.


Same thing with mothers. Lots of places will take the baby and "make sure it's ok" and clean it off before giving it to the mother. Those first seconds are extremely important. Here's how it should go, out pops the baby, gets put on the mothers chest, maybe some feeding, then on the fathers chest after a while.
No spanking, no washing, no heart beat monitors. Nothing. Mom and dad will be able to tell if somethings uo with the baby.


I've heard from a stranger on the internet who used to do this all the time that the scent of your newborn bay on your chest is like a drug. It makes you high, in a good way. I believe it.


I did it with both my kids. I don't care what science says, it was magic holding them either which way!


In 20 years the only people who will remember you stayed late for work is your kids.


Also a great way to get them to nap while you watch some TV, teaching them how to sleep soundly regardless of random noises in the house, compared to leaving them alone in a silent room where any disturbance will wake them up.


It's absolutely true! My two goddaughters, who don't have their father in their life the way it'd be good, just LOVED and still love lying on my chest and belly, sensing the warmth and feeling me breath and "rumble" when I'm talking, singing, or reading to them.


this goes for all parents though, mothers who arent able to breastfeed for example must also make a conscious action to do so.


My husband did this with both our kids. He felt bonded immediately and his relationship with each kid kicked off right away. He also started being apart of taking care of them right away. All of this makes dad feel invested in his children. Now their 12/15 and he’s still very involved with them. It starts Day One!
