Huni told Spica why SKT Didn't Ban Crowns Malzahar during 2017 Worlds Finals

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If I remember correctly, this series was a massive bot diff. Faker was right. It wasn’t Malz who’s beating them. It’s him low-key saying that “Yow Bang, keep your sht together”.


They lost because the meta was "protect the adc" and Bang inted the entire finals. This was way back when everyone considered Bang to be the 3rd or 4th best adc (PraY was the other), behind Deft and Uzi. This series put Ruler and CoreJJ on the map. They were better off banning Tristana so Bang couldn't int on her.


Imagine trying to blame faker for 2017.


Faker Was Solo Hard carrying SKT on their match against SSG but Ruler was just too good against Bang who turned into a silver player at that Series.


2017 Worlds. If I recall correctly, Faker was actually 1v9 the whole time throughout whole tournament after group stage. (Against MSF and RNG). It was then against SSG, they made sure Mid was neutralized with 3 games of Malzahar and naturally you ended up with 2 winning lanes ( top / bot ) with a neutralized mid lane. Faker was constantly receiving attention from CoreJJ and Ambition with Crown (Malzahar) just pressing the R-Button.


It's not just Malz, It's the combo of Malza and Zac which SSG picked 2 times, so Malz enables all types of ganks to Zac who counters rlly hard a Cass since he can jump to your face from any unexpected side of the map AND one of the most important things is that you can't play that aggressive as Cass for that reason too, so you can't all in. I remember that Cass in that season was very frequently used to counter Malz since she was very strong at the time and could afford an early Qss and still win the matchup, but Qss doesn't matter if then a Zac is jumping to your face or you can't win lane by trading, so yeah you could say that baning Malz was the whole point to shuting down that strat since he's the enabler, but I don't think the Malz pick stands for himself too. Idk who of SSG said this, but he said that he knew that in order to win against Faker was by not laning against him. Yeah... Faker in that Worlds was really scary and by far the best mid in the world, you just have to watch SKT vs RNG.


Malz wasn't the reason why Faker lost the finals. Faker had a hard time playing against Malz in lane during the game 1 because Malz simply counters Cass in lane. But SSG as a team simply played better.
In game 2, Faker's Ryze was leading the game (he was dominating the game and giving positive influence to other lanes as well) until the other team members lost the skirmish at the bottom river by the infamous 1 spear 2 airborne ambition's jarvan + Bang's flash ult miss at the dragon pit + his death afterward just completely changed the tide of the game.
In game 3, Crown barely survived the lane while Faker's Karma was carrying the other lanes. But that Bang's infamous ult-saving Ruler's Varus at crucial times prevented any kind of a snowball - throwing away the chance to end the game early. The only 'throw' by Faker would be him getting caught by Ruler at the end. So, obviously, it wasn't Malz that changed the tide of the game.
So what caused SKT to lose the finals? Team diff., but most notably, bang's throw + top diff + Ambition playing so well (peanut played decently, but Ambition was better). Compared to Cuvee, Huni underperformed in teamfights and late game in all 3 games (And without Faker's influence in other lanes during the series, Huni would have had very hard time even in lane phase). So... unless Huni is blaming Faker for not babysitting him and carrying his team despite Huni's own failures, he has nothing to say.
And if Huni was really blaming Faker for 'his ego' for losing the finals, then I would lose all respect for Huni. Even though Huni underperformed, I never blamed Huni for the loss because I thought he was doing his best. Bang's throw and Ambition, Cuvee, and Ruler's overperformance were greater reasons for SSG's victory. But if Huni's blaming on Faker is true, then I am forced to say that Huni is also the reason why SKT lost the finals as he negatively contributed to the team's effort.
Huni also threw multiple times against RNG along with bot lanes, which almost cost SKT their semifinals. It was Faker's Galio that brought SKT to finals.


I mean 4 years later i still remembered that Bang was playing varus, he flashed onto the dragon pit then died, and he also tristana ulted Ruler varus away to safety which cost them the teamfight. 🤣

P.S. its the only worlds ive watched it in a cinema watch party and that is why the series was memorable for me because the people were screaming/cheering passionately.


Dafuq is spica saying? He watched a clip or a part of the whole game or something? Tons of pressure was put by ssg in the midlane the whole series but faker was still breaking even while bang wasn't that performing well or even inting with the ardent meta going on.


I think the reason why NA Players always lose at worlds is because their mindset is too narrow to the game, they focus on highlight plays instead of the whole game.


I'm not usually one for disrespecting a pro like this, but is he blind to the circumstances going on in that clip?


It was actually a huge top and bot diff for 2017 SKT. Bang was inting every game and Huni was getting gapped on top lane . I remembered Huni was losing to Cuvee in a gnar kennen matchup and in the next match, when they switch the match up, Huni was still losing KEKW. It was so sad because SKT bought Peanut that season but it was tank jungler meta which Peanut did not thrive on. It was basically Faker carrying 2017 SKT


He's right tho it wasn't why they were losing... but Malz was too much of a staple champion that meta.


Yup not malzahar it was Ruler dunking on Bang every single time


Spica: Malzahar is shitting on Faker.
What actually happened: Faker just pushed Malzahar off the wave and Peanut walked up to push back Malzahar even further, thus denying Malzahar cs.

Maybe if Spica could analyze a game correctly, he’d be going to Worlds.


Dude saying this while getting smashed by CuVee, and also their botlane is underperforming.


Whats more funny is that every NA or EU pro players talks as if they had achieved something relevant in their career. This guy should worry about his own team rather than worrying about T1 who qualified in worlds and TSM didnt


why is huni telling Spica this like its an excuse how he played top he was gaped every time


That was a forced trade by faker, trying to lure him into gragas... ofc he was losing the trade, he was even trading into 3 caster minions and took every skill in the face... For sure Spika could have chosen a better clip to show malz was op in that patch...


Nah fam there’s not a single world in entire parallel universe where Huni can be world champ. No Malz ban can save him from being CuVee’s bitch :(
