The Perfect Predator: A Scientist's Race to Save her Husband from a Deadly Superbug

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I'm from Kerala, India. A student in 10th standard
We were going to do a drama that makes the people aware of misuse of antibiotics and of course what other story we would select as the theme ! As an actress I just wanted to recreate every facial gestures, emotions Stephanie has gone through and other things. But I really didn't thought that this interview would make me sit and watch for like 1 hour. Your life is very inspiring. I just can't process my mind that I'm going to have the golden opportunity to represent the most iconic women - Stephanie. I'm so excited. !!!


I'm an ICU RN and I want to thank you for sharing your experiences with us, especially from the patient's perspective. This information will be highly useful as I continue to provide care for my patients (and their families) as most of them are sedated through lifesaving therapies. I would love to understand more about Tom's experiences/feelings involving touch. He mentioned that it was like electric shock. Can you possibly explain more about that? Thank you again and I pray that phage therapy is the therapy that gets us out of this crisis we've gotten ourselves into. God bless


Best thing I've listened to in the middle of the night for quite some time. Props to Tom, the buddha-snake.


Bacterial phages can kill bacteria. Some countries never bothered using antibiotics when they were invented. They just kept using bacterial phages. They don’t have superbug problems. Antibiotics were cheap and easy but there was another way to kill infection.


Well, I'm glad she had the love motive and intellectual curiosity to come up with the medical breakthrough to save Tom. Too bad it wasn't actual doctors or bacteria researchers who did it.
I had a weird tongue infection where I went to the doctor, and was told it was bacterial and not thrush, but no advice on how to treat it. I tried scraping, cleaning, lemon juice, gentian violet, salt, yeast infection pills or something, peroxide, and mouthwash. In the end, baking soda worked. Quickly and perfectly. So the doctor I saw and paid cash to didn't know about baking soda as a remedy for bacterial infection in the mouth, I needlessly suffered for weeks, and ended up having to cure it myself.


osha root cured my lyme disease after doxycycline and buhner's protocol failed, hopefully that will help the person who asked about lyme disease


A very moving story, and I am glad that it turned out the way it did.   However, it sounds like you, yourself are part of the antibiotic problem.  You 'carry some around with you', and decided to treat your husband with them.   Are you a medical doctor?  Where did you get the cipro?   Was it prescribed for him?  We should never have left-over antibiotics, since we are meant to take the full course even when we feel better...
