Men Love THESE 5 Keys To Dating For An Independent WOMAN

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Men Love THESE 5 Keys To Dating For An Independent WOMAN...If you are an independent woman, this dating advice video will give you the insight on how to improve your dating experiences. I want you to know what dating for an independent woman is like on first dates, online dating, or elsewhere in the dating process. Take heed to this dating advice and watch the entire video.

The keys to dating for an independent woman lie in finding a partner who respects and appreciates her autonomy and communicates openly and honestly. Dating for an independent woman can present both opportunities for empowerment and challenges in finding a partner. To understand men better and know what men love, ensure you watch the entire video.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you can enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Dating as an independent woman
- Independent women and dating
- Independent woman
- Dating help
- Online dating
- Dating advice for women
- Dating coach for women
- Life coach
- Relationship expert
- Relationship coach for women
- Relationship advice for women
- Dating expert
- Relationship advice



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I hope you enjoyed my video: Men Love THESE 5 Keys To Dating For An Independent WOMAN

Watch this dating advice video next: 7 THINGS Men Notice FIRST In A Woman


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Рекомендации по теме

there is nothing like a perfect marriage or relationship. What works for Adam might not work for peter. I However learnt that in everything there is always a solution, 5 years ago I and my wife divorced because we were having some difficulties in our marriage but we are back together, it was a really bad phase but we got through it


My independence comes from childhood sufferings/trauma 🤷🏻‍♀️ I am 46, soon to be 47 and still have not released “these things”, haven’t met someone I can trust. That’s life!


The day I started listening to you, my relationship started working beautifully, am still working on the asking part.


“Your value starts with WHO YOU ARE” Yes🎯so basic, yet so profound. I learned this when I thought I truly valued who I was, until I lost weight and lost my “curves”. I suddenly felt like who I’ve always been valued for, was no longer there. It was like, who am I now? I still felt like me but, like part of me was gone, in terms of what I “bring to the table”.

And love the lavender sweater on you!😸💟


I have no problem asking. I really hate when they act like they didn't hear you, I'll ask 3x there maybe months embetween and that's it. No problem I'll find someone else if I can't do it myself .😮


Having a healthy balance between being independent and a team player with my special gentleman sweetheart is pertinent and absolutely doable. Understanding what this entails is key to covering and having it all, without all the negative elements such as huge egos, possessions, one "up'ing" another, etc. ❤


Unless he's willing to protect me, any male interested in my finances (that I *never* mention, yet far too many have the nerve to ask about) is someone who won't enter even the so-called friendzone, as my friendship is a huge privilege.


If I need stuff done with my car, first call goes to my 27 year old son, then I would tell my husband that lives out of state, he will book an appointment at the dealership and just give me the time. He will ask the service advisor the cost and he will send me the payment. My husband doesn't get his hands dirty even though he works for an automotive company. LOL. He doesn't live with me, so my choices are limited in "calling my man" but even afar, he takes care of the situation. I'm glad that my son does this stuff for his woman!


I love this message. I think maybe we want to list accomplishments bc we see those accomplishments as the proof of our character. I own my own house says I'm responsible, I have vision, I'm driven and intelligent, I value stability etc etc. I need to remember to evaluate men by their fruit instead of trying to qualify myself this way.


“I was gonna say bum, forgive me” 😆😆 I think it’s hilarious when you do that and then catch yourself


Whew, , I needed to hear this! This was a great segment. The “practice in asking” is something I have been working on.


Love me a chivalrous man, it speaks volumes ❤


Omg you nailed it when you said I must learn to ask for him to pour into me I must be able to receive!❤


Excellent message!! So valuable for both men and women to learn from.
Also it’s not only about what we bring to the table but how our positive feminine energy makes a man feel. It was very interesting to find out that a man talking just 7 minutes to a woman they love brings up their testosterone by 14%. Great video! 👍🏻


I think has been your best video yet. Hutton my spirit on every level. I relate with every point. It’s exhausting. And I’ve been healing these aspects.


All these videos sound good. What do i bring to the table about the woman I am I bring peace im honest I have a very loving heart show empathy sympathize with others when I see someone situation I try to place myself in there shoes. I believe in being yourself and being confident in what you bring to the table. Never have been a bad person although i bring my own flaws but I give back to the community I don't act like im better than anyone. I pray for those around me. And those that surround me. Life is hard but I try to look at what I bring to the table I don't believe in lying about what I am or what I look for is someone who is honest who works who opens doors who are romantic who are not perfect but I open doors for others also. I also would want a man who has respect for ppl and that has integrity and values. I value myself but won't lie I have plenty of flaws wondering if anyone would want someone like that. I have my days . I've had a lot of people tell me that I have a heart of gold they tell me I'm beautiful on the inside and out although I suffer from bi polar I still am a great person. A christian woman who seeks a christain man but to be honest I was more focused on myself trying to get a Job after going thur a bad spell last year but deep inside I am a great loving woman regardless of not having a job what I havebto offer goes further than what money can buy. At one time I was doing so much for others I neglected taking care of myself cause I placed everyone above me which I don't do anymore


It’s official! Lavender and orchids are SO hot with dreadlocks…


Come on, with another great lesson! Thank you so much! May God continue to bless you. 🙏🏽🙌🏽❤️


Thank you so much Stephan. You have been a big blessings to me


I don’t comment often, but I watch all of your videos. Thank you for who you are and what you contribute to humanity. Also, I love the shirt, . The color is very flattering and the fits okay I guess..;)
This one really resonates with me and my current situationship of 4 years. I am learning a lot in this one.
