Java Programming | MouseWheelListener Java | Java MouseWheelListener | Java Swing tutorial |Java GUI

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The listener interface for receiving mouse wheel events on a component. (For clicks and other mouse events, use the MouseListener. For mouse movement and drags, use the MouseMotionListener.)
The class that is interested in processing a mouse wheel event implements this interface (and all the methods it contains).
The listener object created from that class is then registered with a component using the component's addMouseWheelListener method. A mouse wheel event is generated when the mouse wheel is rotated. When a mouse wheel event occurs, that object's mouseWheelMoved method is invoked.
How to Write a Mouse-Wheel Listener
Mouse-wheel events notify when the wheel on the mouse rotates. For information on listening to other mouse events, such as clicks, see How to Write a Mouse Listener. For information on listening to mouse-dragged events, see How to Write a Mouse-Motion Listener. Not all mice have wheels and, in that case, mouse-wheel events are never generated. There is no way to programmatically detect whether the mouse is equipped with a mouse wheel.
Alternatively, use the corresponding Mousewheellistener class, which implements the MouseWheelListener interface, to create a MouseWheelEvent and override the methods for the specific events.
Usually it is not necessary to implement a mouse-wheel listener because the mouse wheel is used primarily for scrolling. Scroll panes automatically register mouse-wheel listeners that react to the mouse wheel appropriately.
However, to create a custom component to be used inside a scroll pane you may need to customize its scrolling behavior — specifically you might need to set the unit and block increments. For a text area, for example, scrolling one unit means scrolling by one line of text. A block increment typically scrolls an entire "page", or the size of the viewport. For more information, see Implementing a Scrolling-Savvy Client in the How to Use Scroll Panes page.
Programming Guru,Java programming,java tutorial for beginners,java full course for beginners,java mousewheellistener,mousewheellistener java,Java swing tutorial,java gui,how to use mousewheellistener in java,Interface MouseWheelListener,Mousewheel listener interface java,How to implement MouseWheelListener,Java - Scroll and zoom with mouse wheel,MouseWheelListener doesn't work - Java,MouseWheelListener in Swing,How to move the JSlider with the mouse wheel.
Java Programming | MouseWheelListener Java | Java MouseWheelListener | Java Swing tutorial |Java GUI
Java Programming | MouseWheelListener Java | Java MouseWheelListener | Java Swing tutorial |Java GUI
Java Programming | MouseWheelListener Java | Java MouseWheelListener | Java Swing tutorial |Java GUI
The class that is interested in processing a mouse wheel event implements this interface (and all the methods it contains).
The listener object created from that class is then registered with a component using the component's addMouseWheelListener method. A mouse wheel event is generated when the mouse wheel is rotated. When a mouse wheel event occurs, that object's mouseWheelMoved method is invoked.
How to Write a Mouse-Wheel Listener
Mouse-wheel events notify when the wheel on the mouse rotates. For information on listening to other mouse events, such as clicks, see How to Write a Mouse Listener. For information on listening to mouse-dragged events, see How to Write a Mouse-Motion Listener. Not all mice have wheels and, in that case, mouse-wheel events are never generated. There is no way to programmatically detect whether the mouse is equipped with a mouse wheel.
Alternatively, use the corresponding Mousewheellistener class, which implements the MouseWheelListener interface, to create a MouseWheelEvent and override the methods for the specific events.
Usually it is not necessary to implement a mouse-wheel listener because the mouse wheel is used primarily for scrolling. Scroll panes automatically register mouse-wheel listeners that react to the mouse wheel appropriately.
However, to create a custom component to be used inside a scroll pane you may need to customize its scrolling behavior — specifically you might need to set the unit and block increments. For a text area, for example, scrolling one unit means scrolling by one line of text. A block increment typically scrolls an entire "page", or the size of the viewport. For more information, see Implementing a Scrolling-Savvy Client in the How to Use Scroll Panes page.
Programming Guru,Java programming,java tutorial for beginners,java full course for beginners,java mousewheellistener,mousewheellistener java,Java swing tutorial,java gui,how to use mousewheellistener in java,Interface MouseWheelListener,Mousewheel listener interface java,How to implement MouseWheelListener,Java - Scroll and zoom with mouse wheel,MouseWheelListener doesn't work - Java,MouseWheelListener in Swing,How to move the JSlider with the mouse wheel.
Java Programming | MouseWheelListener Java | Java MouseWheelListener | Java Swing tutorial |Java GUI
Java Programming | MouseWheelListener Java | Java MouseWheelListener | Java Swing tutorial |Java GUI
Java Programming | MouseWheelListener Java | Java MouseWheelListener | Java Swing tutorial |Java GUI