GW's New Direction! We are excited!

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Killteam has gotten a new update to its model use and gameplay modes, we have to say we are pretty excited for this new shift, and we think you would be too! Come join us as we discuss this new direction.

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Never forget that old saying: Hope for the best, *plan for the worst.*


I'm not saying it's a bad thing that this was announced, but I find interesting that it was released about half a year after Poorhammer guys released beta of their Horde Mode - enough time to write rules and go through printing pipeline.
As for "miniature agnostic" - I'm pretty sure that they mean "you can use every model, provided they are GW plastic/resin/metal" and said "agnostic" is "it doesn't matter if that's a SoB, dorf or animated armour, you can use all of them", just like mentioned Horde Mode for the horde "faction"


Am I hearing this right? Can I play Kill Team with my Necromunda Gang???


Model agnostic... what GW probably meant: "Sure, you can use necromunda models and old GW legends models in a game of Kill Team. We'll give generic 'one-size fits all' rules for all the characteristics and weapon profiles that look similar. A craftworld elf is the same as a dark elf is the same as a really fast human, etc, etc."

What new players will actually hear: "Wait, so I can use my Star Wars Shatterpoint models, OBR models, and Ravaged Star Models in an official game set in 40k!?!? It's truly model agnostic!?!? Sweet!!! Imma go buy all the things made by everyone and get super hyped about it all and make cross-over multi-universe fanfiction to explain why Ewoks are on a space hulk riding lizardmen dinosaurs, etc, etc" 😋

Something tells me GW 'should' tap into the latter... but will actually be flabbergasted and go "no no no we meant the 1st option" 😋


Co-op kill teams sounds like a fun way to do Dadhammer with my kids. I’m getting excited about it, and glad others are as well.


It's what I liked about Blackstone Fortress, that I could play it on my own, I thought that was a pretty neat feature.


I played a solo game of Kill Team the other day using models from [redacted] as enemies. After 7 minutes of playing, an SAS unit in full Praetorian Guard cosplay kicked down my door, shot my dog and broke my jaw. But the worst part is since one of my operatives wasn’t fully painted, they also docked the points I had scored so far so I didn’t even win the game!


Have GW ever done market research into the percentage of their customer base who hold back on buying models because they're afraid they'll get refreshed or go to legends by the end of the edition? Because I sure see a lot of it on social media.

I know it doesn't really matter for casual games but with such a focus on competitive play from GW and coming in as a new player with no context about legends it just feels discouraging to pick up old models even if you like them.

But yeah it makes me hopeful that they'll start to change their ways even if it's baby steps.

Thanks for covering this!


Love the positivity. Best part about Killteam is the freedom to try new paint schemes because you are only painting a squad. Just need perseverance to get through the ugly phase.


Well, I really, really hope that 10th edition gets some of this. Fluffy, fun things not only competitive "balanced" games.


1:45 okay, so GeeDubs biggest issue with the old world (and why they nuked it to make AoS and why they have killed off most of the non Primaris marines) is because they want people to consume product and get excited for next product…not just go “oh no, it’s okay I got my dwarfs army and shit ton of cannons” or “oh I got plenty enough tactical marines”

It wasn’t subtle at first-first born marines only had one wound.


I ran a short 40k coop campaign a couple of years ago, mashing up 40k with the deck based turn strucutre of the arkham horror ccg. Worked so well, was really fun. Though a lot of effort to craft up all the cards.


Been a minute since I listened to one of your guys videos. Sound quality is great and, as always, the conversation is quite endearing. :)


Love the idea of the co-op kill team. Takes me right back to the 3rd edition rules. Remember reading a white dwarf in 2003 about a custom tyranid kill team fighting their way through hordes of Orc brutes. Sounds like they're bringing this idea back.


Co-op mode is nearly guaranteeing a better introduction for new players. And you get to use all those Cursed City / Blackstone Forttress models again!


So funnily enough, they have published a couple (and I mean like 5) White Dwarf scenarios for AoS that literally are that : coop games. There were two based on the Cursed City timeline where you take heroes from AoS (non-named) and you fight through waves of various ennemies.

One where you basically buy a 500-ish point force, no big hero dude, and you do the same.

And I even have one for 6+ players where each one plays a BIG HERO and you have to go around the map taking treasures and punching peeps.

And really, these are the best scenarios I've played.


I think gw got a bit inspired after poorhammer released their horde mode 😅


I would be excited if they still allowed for list building like the 2018 version. The set data cards for teams are fine for beginning players and people that don't want to list build for whatever reason. But if the game had list building rules alongside the set data cards it would be a lot more attractive to me. As is, I will likely just keep buying books for the 2018 version and play with friends and family at home.


Could be interesting, though I am certain that miniature agnostic will most definitely still mean GW models.

As for V3.0, I am not liking the fact that you don't actually build a Killteam anymore. Everything is prebuild, straight out of the box with at most a weapon specialist having two options. It's like they're trying to reduce actual freedom with each new edition, though Deadzone has me covered there. Cheaper, complete freedom and a much better playing and written ruleset.

As for minis and armies being years to decade-long investments, that goes directly against all of GW's marketing approaches. To the point where during exec meetings folks have openly mused about the customer being slowly pushed towards the idea that armies are projects that should be retired after enough time and an edition. We're not GW customers, we're the resource being mined for the actual ones - the shareholders. ;-)


It's not the first time GW has had Model-Agnostic units in their games. Mordheim has been like that for years.
