Understanding dog vaccinations - Purina

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Did you know newborn puppies receive disease-fighting antibodies in their mother's milk?

Vaccinations continue to be an essential part of a dog’s healthcare regime for life. This video teaches why vaccinations are critical, and when to do them.

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Did you know newborn puppies receive disease-fighting antibodies in their mother's milk? Press play to learn more about dog vaccinations.


My puppy just had his first deworming and will get his Dhppc this week can I take my puppy outside when going to the store or for a walk but of course I won’t put him down on the ground I will just be holding him cuz I don’t want to leave him at home alone he will be in my arms at all time


I breed Toy Poodles and I only give distemper and parvo at 9, 12 and 16 weeks. I follow up at one year and that is it for life. I've titer tested my dogs at 15 yrs and they still have immunity. You should never give these vaccines younger than 8 weeks! Full stop after booster at a year old. Less than 1/3 of puppies develop immunity after being vaxxed at 6 weeks but 100% will be exposed at the vet clinic. For rabies, I do first vaccine at 24 weeks, booster at a year and then every three years as required by law. I will never give any other vaccine


Hey My name is Laverion I have Three puppies One has received their shot at 7 weeks and looks great the other two look good but not as the one with the shot I’m wondering it might be the shot tht play a role in that my question is can I still give them 5-1 at week 15


Thanks for this. Short yet informative...


Thanks so much for uploading. I really appreciate your information 🙏❤️


Does the puppy have a problem with taking the first vaccine on their feet? Please reply @Purina Australia


Wow extremely helpful and detailed video! Would have never thought to take my dog to a vet or that vaccines exist.


I have about 10 days with my puppy, she’s 7 weeks old now but when I don’t trust that her last owner vaccinated her even though they said they did. Should I vaccinate her with the 1st shot anyway? Or will that cause any harm in case she already was vaccinated? Someone please respond :(


This is ironic coming from a company that bases all of their dog food around corn and other bi products terrible for dogs.


Question for anyone who can answer I got my puppy from a shelter I got him at 5 months he’s 6 months rn. The vaccines he has had are a round of dhpp, bordetella, and rabies before I adopted. We recently gave him a second round of dhpp, do I have to wait a couple weeks to get another shot or would he be fine with 2 at the age he’s at? Just curious. (I live in an area that has limited resources for animal care due to limited amount of vets and volunteering, so getting vaccinations rn is a long process and I need to take out my dog to exercise)


How many weeks do they have to be before they can go outside for walks


If you want my pets to live a healthy life then you should make better dog food lol


I already vaccinated my dog. I want to wash, but veterinarians told me : you need to wait 2 weeks for your dog bath. Any info to give me? thanks


I always had dog's, as puppies they did get the three core vaccines, but I waited until they were 6 months old before getting rabies vaccines. People please understand there are titer tests's a simple blood draw to make sure your dog has the antibodies for rabies, Parvo and distemper. Upon the results of the blood test's all my dog's have had antibodies against all three diseases for the rest of their lives. I feel most vets are following the money trail and just don't care. We must learn how to stand up and protect our pets. If your vet give's you a hard time about over vaccinating find another vet who will work with you. There is a movement to stop the use of over vac. Where I live the vet's are way out of line with pricing and keep pushing products that are not needed. Have your pet tested twice a year with a blood test for heart worm and Lyme. They don't need to take once a month protection, I have seen what this product has done to dog's. There are natural spray formulas that work and smell great. Do your home work big drug companies and all doctors love to push more medication not only on our pets, but ourselves and our kid's. Don't be afraid to stand up to your vet they are not God.


Basically, 3 shots of 5 in 1 vaccine is enough for puppies? and then just the yearly booster shot?


What I can do because I forgot the first shot ? Now my dog is 65 days can I give her Booster skipping the first shot?plz reply help 🙏🏻


How long secondary effect last? My dog was vaccinated 3 days ago and still have diarrhea 1 or 2 times a day also low mood.


Hello sir my beagle dog is 7 months old givr the list of vaccines which i have to ....
Like dewarming or


I vaccinated my puppy 2 days ago. I think she is around 8 weeks old. Im not sure. But she isn't acting right.. She's vomiting here and there, not playful like before the shot, diarrhea and not wanting to eat and drink as much.. Should i be concerned?
