My Friendly Neighborhood - ALL ENDINGS (Good Ending, Bad Ending, Secret Ending) 2023

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My Friendly Neighborhood - ALL ENDINGS (Good Ending, Bad Ending, Secret Ending) captured on gaming PC. I have repeated the game multiple times to explore the various and possible outcomes based on the player decision. All raw footage were recorded by me and were then edited in a transformative manner.
0:00 Secret Ending (Leave Before Beating the Game)
1:25 True Ending Intro
8:09 Good Ending (Accept Ricky Request & Stay)
11:29 Bad Ending (Decline Ricky request & Leave)
*Channel description*
BbyZone is a channel that provides unique videos, game mods, high quality guides, easter eggs, tips & tricks, and playthrough of video games. I help entertain & educate my viewers through my unique videos, game mods and walkthrough footages which are all recorded and edited by me. I have written permission from the publisher for the games I cover.
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There's an ending you missed the TRUE good ending. If you help all of the side characters of the show, the ending reveals Gordon gets fired but he actually feels happy about it and talks about the sunrise helping others find their way home.


I got the true ending on my playthrough. Game's rather short but I can appreciate what it's trying to tell.
Telling a story about how a bitter world makes a bitter individual. Burying ourselves in our own escapism. That leads us down selfish, and unfriendly paths. Which no person wants to do intentionally. No one intentionally wants to be a bad person.
We all have our justifications for our actions, where Gordon steps in. A war veteran from a war that wasn't viewed right then corporate expansion into a city.

It all ties into a sense of isolationism and depression.
Each ending attempting to tell it's own version of fulfillment of self and being able to grow and emotionally accept others and recognize their feelings.

The bad ending gives us if he just went and did his job, focusing on what would make his higher ups happy. But not himself.

The good neutral showing the kindness improving others lives, and some still bitterly sitting in their own hearts. But Gordon didn't understand these characters. So he disassociated and returned to his unhappiness.

True ending showing the good it can give others but also a personal connection with Gordon that had been lost. But like he said that burning light hurts but in end it lead him to home, a completeness of himself.

Then leaving early is just the ending of completeness of one's own safety. Which adds the notes of suites just wanted a minor eyesore gone with MFN. He watched the news and nothing happened, then life takes hold. Driving away thoughts besides regret.

MFN wasn't a particularly deep game. But it did tell it's story well enough. It wanted to tell a bittersweet tale through the lens of a Survival Horror game.


Something tells me the Bad and Good endings are both Neutral endings. The Bad ending, Gordon is promoted a manager but still lives out his life unsatisfied while the Good ending the show was on air again with people liking or disliking it and O'Brien stop showing up at the studio, probably unsatisfied too. So neither one of these endings make Gordon happy.


i watched jacksepticeye play this, theres definately another better ending that you didnt get, because his good ending was better than the one you got


You know you got the true good ending when Ricky adds, "Besides, look at how much you've helped us just since you got here. I've talked to the other puppets. Reviews are dazzling!" to his pitch at the end. This video doesn't have it. Anyone who hasn't seen the true ending should watch it!


Who else cried a little with the question "Won't you be our neighbor?"


That's not the true good ending... The true good ending will show up after you help all the side characters.. The TRUE good ending of this game is so wholesome that I almost got tears on my eyes 🥲I got motivated on just listening what Gordon said about it..


I watched 3 playthroughs and all of them got the true good ending, so I was really surprised that this video didn't even include the true good ending!


says 'all endings' but doesn't even get the true ending, smh.


why is the endings so sad to leave them like that :(


This is missing the ending where Gordon and the puppets are all happy when the show goes back on air, and even becomes successful


You should get the True ending after helping the 4 monsters then reupload this video because its not all the endings


Wasn't this entire game just about battling depression though?


speedrunner after they found out the secret ending


So basically ending 1 and 3 was roughly the same ending 😅


The good ending is fine but the bad ending seems anti-climactic. Maybe that's intentional but it is not satisfying.


no ending is the worst he just forgets about


I found out about this game in one of tumblr art post of wally darling and my friendly neighbourhood puppet .


Where's the true good ending bro?


One of the guides says defeating even one boss defaults you back to the regular good ending. So how can I get the true/golden ending if I have to defeat the All Seeing (curtain boss) to get out of the studio office area?
