Multiplayer Farming Simulator 17 | Thornton Farm Episode 2

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Thornton Farm
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I had a White computer from the 90s.
I used to play an old game where you could Build your own animal park.
That was the start off my gaming career.


I had a Commodore 64, but my first computer was a Dick Smith Wizard, An Australia only thing I believe, it was a video game console akin to an Intelli-Vision, however the 2 controllers slotted into the console base to form a Qwerty Keyboard and you got a cartridge with BASIC on it and a tape drive to save your programming efforts. This was the device that got me onto the idea of computers at the tender age of 10. The year after I was looking with longing at the Commodore Vic 20 adds and drooling, then the Commodore 64 released and I convinced my parents to buy me one for Christmas. I followed that up with an Amiga 500 before finally Graduating to a 386 PC from Dell when the 486 was released and my dad upgraded....hooray for cast off PC's. I had already learned how to work with DOS 6.0 and Windows 3.1 while making his games work for him anyway so it was all easy by the time I got the way, at 47 I'm definitely not as young as your average gamer, but I'm sure as hell a lot more "experienced".... lol. Anyway thanks for the content Dagger, always fun to watch you messing about in one of my favourite games.


This is a super old video to be commenting on, but my family's first computer was an Atari.

I don't know what model number it was, but it had a keyboard you could type programs into. I remember having a book of Atari programs, spending hours typing them in line after line.. only to find out that I had made some mistake, and the program wouldn't work. Or wondering how to make "that funny F symbol" that a few of the programs had, which I later found out was just the "#" number sign. Much later, I used that same computer to write my own simple programs to do long division for me.. and then got in trouble for it in school, because I didn't actually show any of my work.

Love the channel, Daggerwin. When I finally get the time to start recording my own Farming Simulator 15 (and eventually 17, once I pick it up in the next Steam sale), I'm definitely going to link your channel for anyone interested in watching more of it.


My first computer (my dad's actually) was a clone of an IBM PC with an 8086, dual floppy drives, and the upgraded 20MB hard drive. It also had dual monitors hooked up to both a monochrome video card and a 16 color video card that you could switch between (only one at a time). This was in 1986 or so, and I spent many hours playing Police Quest and Space Quest on that thing. It was replaced by a Packard Hell 486 in 1993-ish.


My first computer was an Apple II, played Lemonade Stand, Odell Lake, Number Munchers, and Oregon Trail. First gaming console was Atari. Yes I grew up in the 80's.


My first computer was indeed a commodore 64/128. Actually still have it with all my games. My kids love playing ghostbusters on it. The graphics difference is something they just can't get over.


We all love you daggerwin like so he can see


I remember commodore 20 and 64. The one which I bought was Commodore Amiga which was one the first with a desktop operating system. It was awsome using a mouse and clicking on the different windows. The time when 1, 4 megabyte was a lot of storage volume. Pity with all those trolls. I admire your patience with them.


dagger are you going to livestream on fs sometime


My first computer was one I built back in 2012. But before then I had various family computers we shared, my dad is into computers so he always had the latest ones, I cant really pin-point the model though. I love building computers, growing up I was into mechanics now its mostly computers, the rewarding factor when you build a PC is great just like mechanics.


isn't there a straw loft in the base game you could use?


My first computer was a Commodore vic=20! Then a Commodore 64, with the tape player and RF modulator (I still have it, in my attic :)). My first P.C. was a "Tiny" Entertainment package... it came with a DVD player lol. Currently building an intel 6700... which is nice.

P.S. 'Tom' followed you into f30 with the fertiliser spreader. Watch vid from 10:00. He reverses back when you turn left. I'm not saying it was intentional, but he appears to be the last person with it.


This Thornton Farm map is not working for me, put download in the mod folder, as you do, but it's not showing !!! no idea what to try ?


My first computer was a Windows 95. But my experience/knowledge with computers are quite extensive as I am studying for a bachelor in computer engineering ☺️


The first computer I ever owned was an IBM XT 286. I have two of them now... plus a Commodore 64 and a few others. I collect and restore old computers. :-)


I got my PC last year and its windows 10 :)BTW I Love The Multiplayer Videos !!!


I had a Commodore 64 as a kid. That was back when floppy disks where actually floppy!


Just a suggestion placing a fence post in the opening of the surry pit might stop ✋ trolls throwing the tractors in there just a idea. Was KAOS this morning then I logged on.


First PC was back sometime around 2002, 800mhz windown 98 with something like 20 or 40 GB Drive. Now I have an XPS 8910 top end model and full time Ag Software developer :)


the first computer that was my own was an Acer travel mate 290 laptop running XP (my dads old laptop when he upgraded). I did had ever use an old advent tower running XP as well. then we got a windows 7 tower. the next PC I had was an old Compaq netbook, from 2002. given to me free (used to run XP). that now runs Linux (Ubuntu mate, Linux mint and Kali Linux triple boot) and I take it to shows for moving files from SD cards to USB drives. my current laptop is a windows 10 Sony VAIO. great laptop!
