Entitled Mother tries to DUMP her Kids off at a Mentally Disabled Camp - Reddit Podcast

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"what if he got infected with their mental disability?"
Should reply "oh I'm sure he's already thoroughly caught that from you"


Growing up. My one neighbor has a son who has some mental disability. Had some other neighbors who was new to the neighborhood. They didn't want their kids being around my one neighbors son cause they "didn't want our kids to catch what they have." good thing those neighbors that said that moved away. The neighborhoods I.Q. dropped when they moved in and instantly raised when they moved out.


For the first story, the thing the OP should've done is calling the police the moment the mother drove off... and tell them that she left her kid to strangers asked them to care for him, even paid them off didn't leave any contact and OP is concerned for the safety of the kid (even should've put something like "I'm not certain but from the behavior of the so called mother I think that kid might not be even hers") please come fast and bring child support services.


Some Father of the Year dropped all four of his kids at the pool where I worked and just walked out of the gate. He wouldn't even look behind him when I called that an adult needed to watch the kids: "That's your job." I felt bad telling the older kids that they had to get out of the pool and go back to the useless man who'd engendered them. ...And these are the kind of useless kid-makers who sneer at people without kids as "immature."


"you're an adult and shouldn't act like little kids"

dude dropped this line like a boss sheesh


Story 1: Not the jerk. Asking her to leave and pointing that she was being recorded is the best thing to do.


In the last one, the OP was definitely confusing empathy and sympathy. Empathy is more like knowing exactly how someone feels, sympathy is feeling bad regardless if you "get it".


I loved hearing the ice cream story! Both my son and I are high functioning autistic. One time my sister was being awful to my son. He was 5 years old, and finally said Aunt Karen, could you stop being a dolt? She didn't get it, "Of course I am an adult, how can I stop? You are such a little freak!" "Okay, Aunt Karen, but you will always be a dolt!" For years, my Dad giggled every time he remembered my tiny little 5 year old boy besting his aunt with language.


Should have called social services and said that he was abandoned by his mother.


Entitled mother, dropping her entitled kid off with strangers and leaving no contact information? That’s called child abandonment and my first call would’ve been to the police. Entitle mother needs a wake up call, you don’t just dump your kid off on strangers.


the moment that child was dropped off, the police should have been notified. She pretty much abandoned her kid. She's extremely reckless and the kid is obviously learning his behavior from her.


As an autistic person I can confirm you are not a jerk and you are providing a great service


In that first story, notify the police. Either they'll advise on how to handle an abandoned child and have an officer show up at pick up time, or they'll get the Korean equivalent of CPS to pick them up.
See how the entitled mother deals with that.


Story one: entitled mom just said “ take my son I don’t care. Have some money. “ (hours later) “ I HATE THAT YOU LEFT MY SON WITH STRANGERS!!! IM GONNA SUE YOU!!! “


My story is quite the reverse. I am a retired teacher.
My neighbour sometimes drops her son off at my place.
Really don't mind.
He shoves money in my hand.
It was too much.

Anyway. I told him that we can go grocery shopping later and I'll cook what he wants to eat.

He told me that i'm a much better cook than his mom.
I told him to never, ever say that ever again.

Mom comes pick him up. Noticed that the money was intact.

Our families are still good friends 'till this very day.


That kid would instantly be sent with a police officer and Entitled mom could get him there. That's a liability waiting to happen if he hurt someone.
Edit: They didn't have an emergency contact in case of emergency. No paperwork on Allergies either.


I have autism and thankfully never dealt with these kinds of people. Its just plain sick and wrong


Karen’s are continuing to be crazier and crazier


As a person with Asperger's, I'm appalled the disrespect of these entitled mothers towards children with special needs.


On the first story, op you are NOT the jerk, the entitled karen IS the jerk. She should NOT be a parent at all.Great job to of you for what you are doing.
