Consciousness & Its Physical Headset - Donald Hoffman - 2/15/2024

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donald at his best!!! Thanks for this talk. Its so amazing to see how Don’s Theory progresses over the years and how things come together that make many of his ideas extremely plausible. Looking forward to Don pushing that boundary of knowledge ever further. Thank you.


Don ... you are the key for humankind on planet earth right here and right now! You are the only one who is speaking clear and concise with your endless work for the betterment of humankind whilst our global leaders continue to fight for greed, power, control over the masses, feeding us nothing but lies and deceit with genetically modified diets today! Thank you very much for your brilliance and passion to keep us all in the loop Don, you really are the light bearer "outside of spacetime". If you ever need accommodation in New Zealand down on the Kapiti Coast Don - our house is your house without even meeting you in person, I can see and feel the energy flow from within you good sir! Much love and respect to you Sir Don, you are joining the dots for us like no other can, for the first time in 62 years I feel like you are the first person who makes great sense of the bigger picture of "What is our purpose" Thank you very much Don, I can feel the light turning on deep down in the dark Nobel peace prize for Sir Don Hoffman 100%


Donald Hoffman is closer to the truth in my opinion. I used to be a materialist. But not anymore and my reasons are articulated in my videos.

Physical reality exists but isn't what people intuitively think it is. I think of it as a mental simulation, including its observers whose avatars are expressions of a universal mind. In essence, I am saying that our universe is but one shared dream amidst an infinitude. The feeling that there is a material world existing apart from the medium of mind is an illusion—an abstraction first peddled by medieval, heretical activists who wanted to undermine the religious authorities of that time.

So far, the evidence I've looked at and personal experiences tell me that we are—as spatiotemporally constricted perspectives—instances of localised mind. Once that cerebral headset of yours is expended, you are free to transcend space and time: when you become nonlocal, you become the whole. You become omniscient and omnipresent. Unlimited perspective as an eternal witness. God, if you prefer.

Remember: being human isn't all that you are. That's something your consciousness currently identifies with. Imagine that clay is analogous to the medium of mind and the objects that it can form are analogous to the objects that make up the world—including your body. Your body, like all the other objects in the world, are only transient. Your body is expendable due to the laws of nature as the world is in constant flux. But the real you is something more fundamental and unchanging.

What I am trying to say here is that you are not the clumps, pots and plates that can be made out of clay. You are the clay itself. The clay never changes. The objects do because they are only illusions that we name and conceptualise—Adi Shankara called them 'unreal' for this very reason. The only real thing is the clay (mind). Despite the changes, there was only ever clay. There was only ever MIND. The Buddha said it well when he said:

'In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.'


Amazing talk!!! Thank you Kunal for allowing the brilliance to spill through and not cut him off 👏👏


Donald speech is always stress busting❤


Donald Hoffman is my hero and a pioneer!!!


There might be a very interesting conversation between Donald Hoffman and Daniel Siegel, based on Hoffman's Case against reality and Siegel's Awareness, concerning the plane of potentiality, which is the plane of Pure Awareness.


If you enjoy physicality, individuality, the stories and the music, then don't ditch space-time.


Kunal, Sadguru Siva Gorakh.
We have developed a hypothesis on human consciousness giving its name Agam Hypothesis.
Can you help us reach Caltech?
Thank you with humility.


Wow, that was interesting. Though this is unrelated I want to ask this question because I feel the need to do so. Do you guys do anything to help accomplish the goal of the SDGs? If not do you guys do anything that is similar to it?


Is it possible that our memories will be retained after we die?


If there is no space time what happens to entropy? If entropy ceases to exist does that mean we can live forever?


Very interesting thanks for uploading!
DH:1.00.17" i would like to move on to more interesting headsets this is a pretty cheap one.."Me too!🙏


Is the amplituhedron outside space and time in the sense that it's only conceived of in "mind"? And then used as mathematical tool in equations that exclude space/time? I don't understand the outside space and time quote from Mr Hoffman


Consciousness is 100% electric, and the 'headset', is Motion,
Day-Consciousness. Feeling/Senses is the window
to Reality.
All experiences is Feeling-Experience, first hand,
'space-time' is Doomed because it gives NO meaning.
Motion shape space, Motion become time,
and time become Time-Spaces, memoires, periods,
in our Consciousness, Memory, Inner Space.
Time is the shadow of Motion, , Stuff-side,
do Only exist in the Consciousness of Living Beings.
Sense-organs, Sensing and the Sensed, is All Motion.
Every child, knows what time-space is.
Rainbow picture our Eternal Over-Consciousness,
Colors picture the Under-Consciousness =
Day-Consciousness and Night-Consciousness.
Day-Consciousness Never sleep, it just goes in Circuits,
Day/Night and Larger.
Deep-Sleep, is our Night-Bodies, REM is the Coupling-Body.


Isn't it conscious agents what the Gnostics called the Aeons or administrator/creator Gods that emerged from the Monad or The Great Invisible Spirit or Godhead or The Universal Conciousness?


So if minds and neurons do not exist until looked at, consciousness does not need that to exist, what is the purpose of physical bodies? They must serve a purpose.... is the mind more of a receiver than a creator if consciousness?? It's all fascinating, but give me something I can use. Teach me how to think myself into a better reality.... think that "fitness payoff" of a full bank account into existence.


I had a dream about consciousness where the substrate was some spinning fans about 6x8 in a grid. Consciousness only happened when they were all spinning creating a complete screen of vision. When a few fans stopped spinning the consciousness fell apart.


I like listening to Donald and his creatine mind


Isn't⚡God⚡supposed to be outside of space (1D, 2D, 3D) and time (4D)?

Well, 0D is outside of space and time:

0D (not-natural) = dimensionless and timeless
1D, 2D, 3D (natural) = spatial dimensions
4D (natural) = temporal dimension
