Pure neem leaves soap by using glycerin soap base || Using only natural ingredients || At home

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In this video, I am going to make 100% pure neem soap by using glycerin soap base and natural ingredients.
What we needed?
50-60 grams of glycerin soap base
2 table spoons of neem leave powder
4-5 drops of essential oil (Optional)
Note: If you don't want to make glycerin soap base at home, then you can order this soap base through online shopping sites.
#neemleavessoap #pureneemsoap #naturalneemsoap #naturalsoap #soap #neemsoapbyglycerinsoapbase #howtomakeneemsoapathome #Glycerinsoapbase #crystalclearsoapbase #neempowerathome #neemleavespowdermakingprocess #neemleaves#glycerinsoapbase #howtomakeglycerinsoapbaseathome #soapbase #tranparentsoapbase #glycerinsoapbase #soap #soapcutting #soapmaking #soapcarving #soapasmr #soapcubes #soapmakingcoldprocess #soapmakingathome #soapcuttingasmr #oliveoilsoap #coconutoilsoap #soapathome #chemistryofsoap #saponification #soapmakingusinglessingridents #howtomakesoapathome #howtomakesoap #esterification #100%purepeachsoap #soapfromcoconutoil #soapfromvirgincoconutoil
What we needed?
50-60 grams of glycerin soap base
2 table spoons of neem leave powder
4-5 drops of essential oil (Optional)
Note: If you don't want to make glycerin soap base at home, then you can order this soap base through online shopping sites.
#neemleavessoap #pureneemsoap #naturalneemsoap #naturalsoap #soap #neemsoapbyglycerinsoapbase #howtomakeneemsoapathome #Glycerinsoapbase #crystalclearsoapbase #neempowerathome #neemleavespowdermakingprocess #neemleaves#glycerinsoapbase #howtomakeglycerinsoapbaseathome #soapbase #tranparentsoapbase #glycerinsoapbase #soap #soapcutting #soapmaking #soapcarving #soapasmr #soapcubes #soapmakingcoldprocess #soapmakingathome #soapcuttingasmr #oliveoilsoap #coconutoilsoap #soapathome #chemistryofsoap #saponification #soapmakingusinglessingridents #howtomakesoapathome #howtomakesoap #esterification #100%purepeachsoap #soapfromcoconutoil #soapfromvirgincoconutoil