James Webb and Euclid: The Ultimate Duo to Hunt for the Dark Universe

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In this video, we will explore one of the most fascinating and mysterious topics in physics: dark matter and dark energy. These are two invisible phenomena that make up most of the universe, but we have no idea what they are or how they work. We will learn how we detect them, what they do to the cosmos, and what some of the possible explanations are. We will also discover how two amazing space missions, the James Webb Space Telescope and the Euclid spacecraft, will work together to shed some light on the dark side of the universe. Join us as we dive into the ultimate space mystery: what is dark matter and dark energy?

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omg I didn't know Euclid was Launched already!
omg this is gonna be awesome!


Thank you NASASpaceNews for your interesting and beautifully executed video!

We already know most of the basic forces in our universe, but there are forces like dark energy and dark matter whose exact composition we don't yet know, but we do know that they are there. In a way, they are the DNA of our universe, which exists in a bubble or plasma. Dark energy and matter are believed to be passed from one universe to another (from the previous universe to the current one). Scientists have found that these two forces do not interact with gravity, so here we are talking about two fundamental forces of the universe...
What lies outside the cosmos is completely unknown, many scientists don't think anything at all, but I have my doubts here because I think that we live in a multiverse with still many unknown structures and in the future we will probably never know everything...
At the moment we can say that with any luck we know 10-20% of the visible universe and maybe 1% of the invisible...


Reviting! I am beginning to excite what's in universe because of this JWST!...❤


Good one
But the more detailed one is needed


Light speed is a drag, dragged in2 the singularity of light


Most people don't know that Einstein said that singularities are not possible. In the 1939 journal "Annals of Mathematics" he wrote "The essential result of this investigation is a clear understanding as to why the Schwarzchild singularities (Schwarzchild was the first to raise the issue of General relativity predicting singularities) do not exist in physical reality. Although the theory given here treats only clusters whose particles move along circular paths it does seem to be subject to reasonable doubt that more general cases will have analogous results. The Schwarzchild singularities do not appear for the reason that matter cannot be concentrated arbitrarily. And this is due to the fact that otherwise the constituting particles would reach the velocity of light".
He was referring to the phenomenon of dilation (sometimes called gamma or y) mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. This is illustrated in a common 2 axis dilation graph with velocity on the horizontal line and dilation on the vertical. This shows the squared nature of the phenomenon, dilation increases at an exponential rate the closer you get to the speed of light.
General relativity does not predict singularities when you factor in dilation. Einstein is known to have repeatedly spoken about this. Nobody believed in black holes when he was alive for this reason.
Wherever there is an astronomical quantity of mass, dilation will occur because high mass means high momentum. There is no place in the universe where mass is more concentrated than at the center of a galaxy.
According to Einstein's math, the mass at the center of our own galaxy must be dilated. In other words that mass is all around us. This is the explanation for the abnormally high rotation rates of stars in spiral galaxies (the reason for the theory of dark matter), the missing mass is dilated mass.
According to Einstein's math, there would be no dilation in galaxies with very, very low mass because they do not have enough mass at the center to achieve relativistic velocities. To date, this has been confirmed with 5 very low mass galaxies all showing no signs of dark matter, in other words they have normal star rotation rates.
This is virtual proof that dilation is the governing phenomenon in galactic centers, there can be no other realistic explanation for this fact.


Next Big Concept: "Dark Vacuum"


The halo is the shadow of a greater attraction🌻


Isn't it odd how DM and gravity shadow each other, a Dunning-Kruger fool like myself would think that they are one and the same thing.
I am also delusionally confident that DE is a dynamic process rather than energy from our human perspective. Imagine a topological toroid expanding like a logarithmic spiral.
What is a fraction of a second to god observing from above is billions of years to, well me.


The cosmos is as finally tuned as the phone i watch this video on?


Within a one hundred years from now, today we are in stone age


The dark side of the moon has nothing to do with this (LOL)


At some point science will need to admit that Dark Matter isn't real. It is Pie in the Sky. If you can't see it, hear it, touch it, measure it, detect it, or sense it in any way - it doesn't exist.
It is more likely that we just don't understand some basic principles about gravity and "cosmological constants". Our scientific knowledge of the stars is extremely primitive.
"There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" --Hamlet


The AI narrator makes dumb mistakes. Clean it up if you want it to be less obvious.


Dark matter is the unexplained motion that happens to stars and dwarf galaxies in host galaxies. Dark matter is not backed by math, direct observations or experiments. It is pseudoscience.

The motion pinned on dark matter doesn't happen equally to all bodies. For instance, it doesn't affect the motion, acceleration or orbits of the stars close to the supermassive black hole in the center of galaxies. It doesn't affect the motion of stars in diffuse galaxies. It doesn't affect the motion of planets, moons and other small bodies in our solar system. The only stars and other bodies moving too fast to be explained are the old stars, old satellite galaxies and old, massive galaxies.

Dark matter is purely hypothetical (pseudoscience) because it can't be verified using math, direct observations of it decaying or experiments. If it can't be measured or described using math then it is only hypothetical, pseudoscience, it doesn't exist.

They can't use unexplained motion of bodies to prove dark matter or dark energy exist. The entire hypothesis arose because they're unable to explain the motion. All it proves is they have no idea what's causing the motion not that the hypothetical dark immeasurables exist. That would be like claiming the motion was caused by God Almighty. We can't use math to describe God and we can't measure or observe God. So claiming dark matter or dark energy is causing motion would be the same as saying God was causing it. God is pseudoscience till God is proven. So, dark matter and dark energy are also pseudoscience until they can be proven.


James Webb is greatest space telescope ever maded, it have been changed humanity's space science forever with its discoveries. 🌌


Alternative Explanation of Dark Matter and Dark Energy - 4-D Hypershere model of Universe can easily explain Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Void and even the reason why the measurement values of Expansion Rate are around 70 km/sec-Mpc

Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Gravity, Void and Antigravity, ... all these are same phenomena. They just look different.
The problem of modern physics is they're trying to explain everything with particle physics and the physics is being cornered more and more to the dead end. To escape the dead end, they invent or design another imaginary particle in vain instead of trying to revise their way to approach to the problem.

I agree to that idea that the interaction between mass and space must be explained with quantum mechanics.
But that doesn't mean gravity is the QM phenomena.
That's because gravity is not a force.
Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Gravity, Antigravity, Void... all these are just joint effects of the expansion of the Universe and the curvature of spacetime.
Details are given below.

Einstein’s theory of General Relativity states that spacetime is curved by the presence of mass.
This curvature influences the motion other objects with mass and gives rise to gravitation.
Thus, gravity is a result of geometric features in spacetime.
However, we also observe gravitational effects – curvature of spacetime – in areas without any detectable mass.
This has given rise to the concept of dark matter, which is matter that does not interact in any detectable way with normal matter, except through gravity.
So, there is some large quantity of dark matter scattered throughout the universe, which curves spacetime and causes gravitational effects just like normal matter, but we cannot see or detect it with any known method.

An alternative theory to the identity of dark matter is proposed – it is not matter at all, but rather an intrinsic curvature of spacetime.
In other words, spacetime is not naturally flat. Even in the absence of matter, we observe some inherent curvature of spacetime.

So, the question is now – why is spacetime naturally curved? Why is it not flat in the absence of mass?
The universe is 4-dimensional, with 3 spatial dimensions and one dimension in time.
Rather than consider time as a linear dimension, we can consider it as a radial one.
Therefore, rather than describing the universe with a Cartesian coordinate system, we describe it with a 4-dimensional spherical coordinate system – 3 angular coordinates, φ1, φ2, φ3, and one radial coordinate in time, t.
We live on the 3-dimensional surface of a 4-dimensional bubble which is expanding radially in time.
Thus, the Big Bang represents t=0, the beginning of time.
The crucial point is that the expansion of the universe is not homogeneous in all directions.

The expansion rate at one point on the bubble’s surface may differ slightly from another point near it.
The universe is only roughly spherical in 4 dimensions, the same way that the Earth is only roughly spherical in 3 dimensions.
The same way we observe local mountains and valleys on the surface of Earth, we observe local “mountains” and “valleys” on the surface of the universe bubble.
The inhomogeneity of the expansion of the universe has given rise to natural curvature of spacetime. This natural curvature causes the phenomenon of “dark matter”. “Valleys” in spacetime pull matter in, similarly to the warping of spacetime of massive objects.
So “dark matter” is really “valleys” in spacetime that are expanding slower than the regions surrounding it.
These valleys tend to pull matter in and create planets, stars, and galaxies – regions of space with higher-than-average densities of mass.
Conversely, “mountains” in spacetime will repel matter away, an “anti-gravitational” effect, which gives rise to cosmic voids in space where we observe no matter.
Each point on the surface of the universe bubble traces out a time arrow in 4-dimensional space, perpendicular to the surface.
These time arrows are not parallel to each other since the universe is not flat.
This causes points to have nonzero relative velocity away from each other.
It is generally accepted that the universe is expanding faster than observable energy can explain, and this is expansion is believe to be still accelerating.
The “missing” energy required to explain these observations has given rise to the theory of dark energy.
The time dilation caused by non-parallel time arrows can be proposed as an explanation for dark energy.

Alternatively, dark energy is real energy coming from potential energy gradients caused by non-parallel time arrows.
As a sanity check, we can calculate the expansion rate of the universe based on the universe bubble model.
Since the radius of the universe bubble is expanding at the speed of light in the time direction, it increases at 1 light second per second.
Therefore, the “circumference” of the 3-dimensional surface increases by 2π light seconds per second, or about 1.88*10^6 km/s.
This expansion is distributed equally across the 3-dimensional surface, so the actual observed expansion rate is proportional to the distance from the observer.

At present, the age of the universe is estimated to be 13.8 billion years, so the radius of the universe bubble is 13.8 billion light years, or about 4233 megaparsecs (3.26 million light years to 1 Mpc).

Thus, we can calculate the expansion rate of the universe, per megaparsec from the observer, as:

Expansion rate =

The popularly accepted empirical expansion rate is 73.5 +/- 2.5 km/s/Mpc, so our calculated value is close.
There may be some additional source of expansion (or observed red shift) to make up for the discrepancy. For example, if two adjacent points have some gravitational gradient due to non-parallel time arrows, then light passing through these points will be red-shifted.
