This Is Why I Was Worried

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I was worried it would affect my body image, which has been a struggle since I was a teen

I didn’t want to go back to obsessing over what people thought of me

Worried about what I was wearing, how I was sitting, what the outfit flattering

And don’t get me wrong, sometimes I still worry about those things

But becoming a gym owner has brought so much freedom with how I look and how much I weigh, by the grace of God

It gave me accountability to do the healthy habits that I struggled to do on my own

I don’t obsess over
- people’s comments about my body
- my weight
- how clothes fit

I simply do the habits that allow me to be a healthy wife, mom, and gym owner

(Walk, drink water, workout, eat wisely)

It’s incredibly freeing and it’s been a long wrong

And as controversial as it may be to say, I’m thankful for the accountability to do the right things as we seek to grow @wroughtirongym

All glory to God

#gymowner #gymownerproblems #gymmarketing
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