Coping with his first Deployment | Former Green Beret Spouse

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Welcome back guys! Today I want to talk to you guys about my experiences with Seans first deployment. Military life is ROUGH and I am not sugarcoating it. This deployment made me grow up and helped me become a mother by putting me through a lot of mental and emotional stress. I thought that I didn't need anyone to ride this deployment successfully but I was so wrong! I needed friends that were going through the same and supportive family members. But I didn't have that so here's how it went.

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5 months into a deployment that will most likely be extended. Almost 6 years with my fiancé! I miss him so much. Thank you for this video!


This right here is worth more then gold. So many marriages can't or couldn't handle the stresses of deployment because there wasn't this kind of perspective of the wife's pov. Keep on keeping on Pamela! 🤘🏼


My pregnant wife and I appreciate the videos so could you make a video on all the chores and errands the wife has to take over while the husband is gone and any tips on how to make those easier (especially with a toddler in the house) Thank you!,


My husband is leaving this week. I'm terrified. He's my best friend. We have 3 kids together and we've never spent more than a few days apart. I already feel like crying. We've been through so much together and he's always been my peace. And now my peace is jumping a flight and leaving. It doesn't help either that I'm so antisocial and have no friends and my dfamily is also very negative and judgmental about everything. So it'll just be me and the babies and the dog. I wish they had support groups for wives and husbands that deal with depression during deployment.


Love the videos keep them coming I’m a 33 yo who’s going into the army and my wife and I could really use the motivation from your videos thanks


I'm already crying and he's not even gone yet


Thank you for making this video and please don't worry about talking too much, I came to hear you talk!! 🙏💞 I am really scared for him to start as a TACP and it really made me feel better to hear you just say what happened, so I can know what to expect a little and that I'm not crazy!! Thank you! 💕


I linked your video to a friend of mine who is part of MARSOC, the marines special operations. He talked to me about this exact thing. I know his wife from when we were young and she said a lot of the same stuff you said. Very cool to upload this type of video. God bless. 🤙💙


May you please make a video on the Q course? How to best support your spouse during that intense phase ? ❤️


Dope video nice to see the perspective from the spouses side


Thank you for making this channel!
Can you make a video about college and/or pursuing your own goals while your spouse is serving? My girlfriend will be attending university while I’ll be in the army and I know this is going to be a challenge. As much as we’d love to be together immediately, we each have our own goals in life and we know we can’t sacrifice that. I don’t want her giving up her own life for me. Any advice would be great, thank you so much for putting out this content!


Very informative!
Thank you very much for sharing
keep it up!


Let’s go another side of the Fng family!


I’m 22 years old and we just married and fell in love so deep and now my wife went to army basic training for 13 weeks. I just feel so lonely and feel worried too much about what gonna happend with her over there. Any idea how to control this emotion?


what do you do when everyone close dies you trusted and the only person you have left beside your kids (who is young and is super attached11, 5z and 2) how do you cope? How do you go about these things.... you did it young I'm doing it at 34 and I'm scared shirtless 7 Years never apart like ever....
