Biblical Hebrew: 5 Expectations to help you learn the language

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There are many pitfalls that will keep you from succeeding in your study of Biblical Languages. 
Frank Hartmann, our beloved Hebrew instructor, shares 5 expectations you should have when you study Hebrew.
These 5 expectations will help keep you progressing through the language to reach your goals... Plus help you avoid falling away from a potentially fruitful study of biblical language. 

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00:00 Meet Frank
00:37 1st Expectation
01:38 2nd Expectation
02:55 3rd Expectation
04:07 4th Expectation
05:50 5th Expectation
07:25 How to learn Biblical Hebrew
08:19 End Screen
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An hour a day? Professor I have already spent 1000+ hours so far and finally I am starting to understand, this lenguage is taught, however absolutely masterizing! 😊


Excellent video! I remember my fear of taking Biblical Hebrew while working on my MDiv. I loved Biblical Greek but Hebrew was so foreign for the reasons you stated. In Time I feel in love with Biblical Hebrew, too. Thanks! I need to spend more time in the Biblical languages. We'll done!


The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. You love Jesus, so you do everything necessary to be near Him. You direct all your efforts toward learning Greek and Hebrew 24/7/365. The rewards are priceless.


Thanks it's a good teaching God bless you todah rabah Hallelujah Amen


I took Hebrew in college and then joined the military and became an Arabic linguist. Hebrew really helped with Arabic and Arabic has really opened my eyes to understanding Hebrew Old Testament - only now I read and vowel Hebrew like Arabic!


I have been studying Hebrew for over 40 years and have started on Greek. Your comments apply to my current Greek project as well.
Also there have been discussions about which language is the hardest... In my experience Greek is easier to start Hebrew is easier once you have got past the basics. For example when I was in Hebrew in School (Ulpan) in Israel I had a Japanese friend who was discussiing language learning difficulteis with me. He said that English was easier to start with and Hebrew Harder but as he progressed Hebrew became easier than English. I also want to encourage us English speakers in that English may will be one of the best languages to have as a mother tongue to study other languages!


Indeed - It is also quite coincidental that Bereshiyt 1 is considerably easier to read than Chapter 2! And so forth. I have found that a narrative is a better place to start than - say Tehelim - that might be well known and a source of great study - but the lack of continuity makes it more difficult as a starter. My other breakthrough came with the 1966 Hebrew Haberit Hachadash - where grammar is very traditional and knowing the English narrative for many years - it helped enormously to become a fluent reader, not to be confused with a fluent speaker!


Thanks for the video! Do you have any recommendations for beginning Hebrew grammars?


I've been learn for a few years. It's like learning guitar .you have your slumps. I know I still struggle . I need a study partner who is fluent .
