Plant-for-the-Planet Initiative: The Trillion Tree Campaign

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Felix Finkbeiner was just nine years old when he had an idea to plant 1 million trees in every country on earth. The German primary school student was inspired by the late Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai, founder of the Green Belt Movement with the mission to plant 30 million trees across Africa. But Finkbeiner was determined to do much more. On March 28, 2007, the first tree was planted at his school in Bavaria, marking the official launch of the Plant-for-the-Planet Initiative. In the decade since, children and organizations across the globe have planted more than 15 billion trees in 190 countries under the guidance of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

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Ecosia is also very nice. This is a search engine that plant also trees with their income



13:40 btw, what is up with that handshake?


because of me my class planted 20 trees :D


Forest is our hope for future. When not, than Goodbye!
Wangari Mathaai sagte: Wir haben eine besondere Verantwortung für das Ökosystem des Planeten. Indem wir andere Arten schützen, sichern wir unser eigenes Überleben.
Wenn nicht dann ...


Wonderful news ! Fantastic work. Yes, so inspiring !


13:40 That is a beautifully cringe nerd handshake. Love the vid, Signing up to the website as well. XD


Do you plant diversity of native trees in an area or just one variety?


THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS. But go ahead and plant more trees, it will give you something to do.


Last year I proposed and started the business for the summer. It consists in planting the seed of a fruit or more fruits that you have tasted and enjoyed very much. The seed put in a pot will have to be grown as it is done with goldfish. To you children of the world plant the seed of the fruit you like.


Right. I wanna see the trees that lived.


I've planted 10 in my lifetime. Kind of stupid for people to cut trees down. They help us breath yet people cut them down. Cutting trees down should be made an illegal action or atleast temporarily to give them a head start.


even if the info is good, its way too generic and simple. many countries have strict laws for planting outside your yard, let alone government or people owned huge lands of forested areas. there are many major factors that should of been said in this video but i will give 2 for everyone of every age that can understand:
1countireshave altitude differences which also states where different soil starts, same goes along any water body. so planting trees that can survive in that country no matter the soil, would be what most efficient kid friendly plantings would do, however even if it survives it doenst mean that the overall biome of the area would benefit from it (many different reasons as of why, im not here to do scientific answers) and in return, the overall area ecological graph wouldnt go up, which in turn isnt much of help for local flora and fauna and bacterial microbes who energize the entire biome ability to get energy for efficient production. So before planting any type of tree species, you should consult with professional ecology worker and explain what is the major soil and biome in the area you are trying to plant.
2) the LAWS and REGULATIONS in your country: for example in baltic states it is illegal to plant trees by yourself, majority of tree cutting and planting campaigns are done by government regulated companies and therefore majority of forests are owned by them or people who have brought alot of forested land for their own business like wood cutting for products like furniture. So after they clear cutted forest, they replant it with trees that state or company has organized them to replant with. you cant do their job or plant your own trees in that area!, the issue lies that the companies and goverment mostly plants back such species that are economically efficient and NOT what the biome ACTUALLY NEEDS, which result in a loss of biodiversity in every term imaginable, forestry management is about economics, they hardly care about actual efficiency for the nature itself. SO REMEMBER KIDS, even if you plant trees in the clear cutted area the government and workers CAN AND PROBABLY WILL cut your little planted trees and replant with goverment supported economically efficient ones. so please, check your law and regulations of planting and get to know the soil of the place youre trying to plant in-what trees grow there, what flora and fauna lives there, and what the biome needs. DONT PLANT ANYTHING ANYWHERE.


Forests have an average density of 53 trees per acre. 1 trillion trees divided by 53 equals almost 19 billion acres. The total land masses of Africa+South America+North America+Austrailia equals 16.3 billion acres. Most of those continents are already covered by forests or have huge deserts that cannot support growing a forest. It isn't possible to plant a trillion trees on this planet... not enough useable space.


There's not enough land to plant one trillion trees.


There are twelves zeroes in a trillion, yes? Nine in a billion. I hate to say this, but, everyone in the world (7.8 billion people) would have to plant over a hundred and thirteen BILLION trees EACH in order to achieve this goal. :-( Drones can plant two hundred thousand trees a day. You'd have to have the most ridiculous army of drones to do this, surely.
