What Students Say: Michael Shi and the AMBOSS Step 1 Self-Assessment

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Finding out how you’re likely to score on USMLE Step1 is too big an opportunity to miss. Whether you're ready for Step 1 or still building up your knowledge, Mike Shi from the University of Buffalo School of Medicine talks about why the AMBOSS Step 1 Self-Assessment helps you check the pulse of your progress.

Take the AMBOSS Step 1 Self-Assessment and practice the exam in its timed format. It’s every tool you need to help you score high on Step 1:

⭐ 3-digit score prediction
⭐ Breakdown of your performance into strengths and weaknesses
⭐ Percentile ranking
⭐ Study recommendations personalized to your needs

Be ready for Step 1, be ready to score high.

Update: The USMLE® Step 1 exam switches to a Pass/Fail exam as of January 26, 2022. This means you are no longer dependent on the previous three-digit score.

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