JWST Reveals 717 Ancient Galaxies

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JWST Reveals 717 Ancient Galaxies

#science #shorts #space

Step into a cosmic time machine with the James Webb Space Telescope and witness the first five minutes of the universe's epic saga.
JWST has uncovered 717 ancient galaxies from the universe's infancy, 600 million years post-Big Bang, shattering previous expectations.
This discovery is part of the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey, gazing into slivers of the Ursa Minor constellation and Fornax cluster.
These early galaxies, revealing a vast cosmic canvas, teem with intricate structures and star clusters.
Even amidst prior extensive observations by Hubble and others, Webb managed to spot galaxies - 93% unseen till now.
This glimpse into a once opaque, turbulent universe, flooded by light from the first stars, uncovers the dawn of cosmic reionization and the very origins of our universe.
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Amazing...makes our existence that much more humbling.


Because of Webb discoveries almost everything we know about the Universe can go in the bin.


Still clinging on to the idea that the universe is only 13.8 billion years old?


And they thought we were alone. God said there were WORLDS WITHOUT NUMBER. Guess HE was right 😊


One of these years we are going to build a machine capable of looking outward, and it will record just 1 big eyeball looking at us.


How about showing it then instead of more CGI???


Either the universe is is 15 million times as big as what we can see which would explain the galaxies because then that makes it 11 trillion light lyears in every direction.


Interestingly, as far as I'm aware we STILL don't know yet exactly how BIG the Universe actually is. Astonishing.


I can time-travel not even leave my chair thanks for the view


Galaxies take billions of years to form, so if they are when and where some have thought was just after the big bang, then that alone is proof that the universe has to be billions of years older than 13.5 billion years. The big bang theory is dead wrong and now that there is proof some are still trying to avoid admitting it. The universe is far older and larger than the big bang theory assumed, so now let's forget about that failed assumption and show some humility and say we don't yet know.


More big surprises coming. Read Urantia book for more details


They were shifted from a parallel universe.


I think this validates the cyclic universe, even light is affected by gravity, as all mater is drawn together, there will come a point some octillions of octillions of years beyond understanding where all mater, light and energy will be gathered into two ultimately massive black holes, those black holes must attract to each other, eventually moving at the speed of light directly towards each other, they will impact straight on at the speed of light, shattering into uncountable tiny black hole fragments and a massive release of energy, the kind of energy that is too hot for molecules to exist. This explains how galaxies could form so early, and where all the energy came from and why there was no SPACE prior, because to have space, you must have some type of field, the only field at impact would have been between the two black holes. It could not have radiated out in any other direction, because there would have been no mater to create the gravatic field between.


And you wonder if there is a God or not, well this is good evidence that we are not in control so some entity must be.


What ridiculous nonsense.
Reality is only 2023 years old and it was all poofed into existence, especially for me, by my personally preferred imaginary friend who is always good all the time, wether you like it or not.
Truth has been spoken. (into existence)
