Unpacked - Ethiopian Jewry | Reaction

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PortuguesePai's reaction to "Ethiopian Jewry | Israel Phenomenology | Unpacked”

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Love your garden variety selection of material. Congratulations on the 5K!


Let's take a moment to congratulate our beloved streamer for reaching 5K


Enjoy your channel so so much. Lovely video you watched. doesn't shy from anything and doesn't try to paint everything as if it was unamendable neither.
The Ethiopian Jews have suffered from discrimination and still do in some cases. I remember a teacher in my primary school telling one of my Ethiopian classmates she had to "change her name to a Hebrew name, no one can pronounce that", as if her name wasn't a part of her identity, wasn't acceptable, as if it would be so hard to make an effort and try pronouncing it instead of making her change it. It felt wrong even then, at the age of 9. But the girl couldn't even tell it was wrong... her elder said she needed another name so she, trying to fit in I guess, obeyed, and came up with one. Looking back at it I now feel disgusted by that whole scene, that's ingrained in my memory. And it wasn't such a rare occurrence as well. every now and again you'd hear such a conversation in a classroom, of Israelis trying to target the children cause with them "it might stick". Often times by people who suffered from racism growing up in Israel, themselves.... (traditional trauma anyone? the Jewish people practically reinvented that lol)
Times are better now. As painful as it is to see racism towards the Ethiopian Jewish people, there is also so much acceptance, like the video described. This group celebrates a special holiday called "Sigd holiday". It's a beautiful tradition, has beautiful customs, and is a day of celebrating coming to the holy land after thousands of years and the whole Ethiopian culture. That same primary school always educated us on treating out friends equally and the "Sigd holiday" was celebrated in school so beautifully, I wait for it every year to this day. The culture is not frowned upon, and people are always make effort at doing better, being more accepting. I hope so, at least. And I believe so.


Genetically speaking, Ethiopian Jews have no discernible connection to the rest of the world's Jews. Their ancestors are overwhelmingly native Ethiopians rather than emigrants from Israel/Judah. And they practiced a version of Judaism that only vaguely resembled that of the rest of the world's Jews. Due to the seriousness of forbidden marriages within Judaism, such as the prohibitions against marrying unconverted gentiles or the children of adultery, there was a great deal of concern about accepting this Ethiopian community whose religious laws varied from the other communities.


One interesting fact they don't mention is Sigd, a Holiday observed by Ethiopian Jews in Israel today. Really nice celebration.


The Jewish people are comprised of 12 tribes. 10 of them officially went missing. Most of today's tribes are from (Yehudah) Judah and Binyamin (Benjamin). The rest are considered lost although they are interspersed throughout the diaspora.


One of the primary controversies surrounding Ethiopian Jews is that even if they did maintain their Jewish lineage they were so separated from the rest of Jewish society from so early on that they did not follow the rabbinic laws and decrees especially as it pertains to marriage and divorce. Biblical marriage doesn’t take much, but divorce as interpreted/instituted by the ancient sages is quite complex. If a divorce is not done according to those precepts and a woman remarries her children are not allowed to marry other Jews, only other children born of such a union.
Jews and the state Israeli rabbinate takes the laws of marriage divorce and lineage very seriously, as they get to the bottom of who we are as a nation and our identity.
It’s a very complex Jewish legal question.
For context, it’s important to note that Jews as far west as England and as far east as Yemen had contact with each other and the rest of the Jewish world. And the Yemenite Jews were in Yemen from the first temple times, which is when those 10 tribes separated and got dispersed.


This video is quite balanced. I find it interesting that the black Jewish narrators are very understanding of the nuanced issues that made the rescue and absorption of the Ethiopian Jews challenging for the Israeli government. No doubt a white liberal writer would have been a lot more adamant that it was all just racism at the root.


9:30 - Ethiopian Jews were recognized because the Chief Rabbi was really adamant about recognizing them.


Check out dudi kalish creates an orchestra live in Mir dinner with Lev Choir together with shira shevach kid choir!!


I didn’t know any of this! Very interesting


Netflix made a movie about the operation getting the Ethiopian Jews out. It's called The Red Sea Diving Resort. Take a look. Maybe you can do a 2 hour long movie review! lol


At 8:00, sounds like Studanese --- she means Sudanese


The Israelis were taken aback to discover the existence of a group of people in Ethiopia claiming to be Jews. This had never happened before. All of the other Jews had had documented contact. That included even the Jews of Yemen who had settled in Yemen after the destruction of the first Temple and chose to remain in Yemen when the second Temple was built.


Didn't mention a lovely story (hope its true), The Ethiopian community left Israel before the destruction of the Second Temple and did not know about its destruction. When they arrived in Jerusalem and the disaster became clear, they experienced it as if it happened today. It is very exciting for us that the sorrow is no longer as strong as it was 2000 years ago


When the Italians tried to invade Italy, they discovered the Ethiopian Jews. So the Ethiopian Jews knew about the mass movement to Israel in small numbers. Lack of media in Ethiopia may have contributed to the lack of knowledge of other Jews beyond Ethiopia.


The 10 tribes were the kingdom of Israel, and before the destruction of the first Temple in Jerusale, the Assyrian kin, Sancheriv went to war agaisnt them and took them to exile, so they went missiing before even thee destruction of the first Tempel


Well, how many Jews were in Ethiopia to begin with?


Why throw in the cynicism?... This seems a bit more of an agenda than informative piece...
