Terry Butcher changes FIFA rules #idtim3

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Because of this guy playing football while bleeding, FIFA then made a new rule.

So the story goes, that day England faced Sweden in the 1990 World Cup Qualifiers. The England captain named Terry Butcher suffered a blow that caused his head to leak! Instead of going to the hospital, he insisted on continuing to play! Terry underwent treatment, his head was bandaged, but the problem was that the blood kept coming out until it soaked his white shirt and his feet. He continued to play until the match was over, even though in the end he had to be carried on a stretcher!.

After the match, the doctor said that Terry Butcher had lost more than 1 liter of blood, which could have threatened his life! Because of that incident, FIFA then made a rule that if a player was bleeding, he could not play again until it was confirmed that the bleeding had really stopped.

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