Moving On - Kodaline (Cover by Wani Annuar)

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One of my all time fav songs ❤️

Camera/Device used for recording: Iphone Xr

I met you on the corner of the street
I smiled before I even heard you speak
I can accept we're growing older but I guess that's just the way it has to be
I wondered how you still remembered me
I heard you settled down and that you married happily
Oh, do you remember when I told you that I'd love you to the bottom of the sea?
Yeah I know, I know it's over but I guess that's just the way it has to be
Some time in the future maybe we can get together
Maybe share a drink and talk awhile
And reminisce about the days when we were still together
Maybe somewhere further down the line
And I will meet you there
Some time in the future we can share our stories
When we won't care about all of our mistakes
Our failures, and our glories
But until that day comes along I'll keep on moving on
I'll keep on moving on
It's funny how but it still bothers me
I know it's been so long but I did not expect to see oh how beautiful you are
I guess that all that time apart has done you well
But hey I wish you all the best and maybe someday we might even meet again
Yeah, sometime in the future maybe we can get together
Maybe share a drink and talk awhile
And reminisce about the days when we were still together
Maybe some day further down the line
And I will meet you there
Some time in the future we can share our stories
When we won't care about all of our mistakes
Our failures, and our glories
But until that day comes along
Until that day comes along
Until that day comes along
I'll keep on moving on
I'll keep on moving on
I'll keep on moving on
Рекомендации по теме

Mungkin suatu saat nanti, sekarang kita masing-masing dulu ya. Aku disini memperbaiki diri menjadi lebih baik dan kamu pun begitu, agar kita bisa dipertemukan kembali di waktu yang tepat saat kita sudah menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya.



it's hit different when you can't move 0n from your past..


its 4 am in the morning and im literally cying. I still cant move on from the fact that two of my close friends dah pergi. I miss both of them so much. I wished i can spend a little longer w them. I really want to see them success in the future. They are both used to be my happy pills and now its gone. Its really hard for me to be happy again. Nobody can ever replace their place in my heart. If youre reading this please sedekah al-fatihah for them <3


Bila tengah sedih memang aku cari semua cover wani🙂


gatau kenapa semenjak tau kamu, aku jadi selalu ngikutin setiap kamu upload cover baru. apapun lagunya. pdhl dari dulu aku cuma nonton vid cover yang lagunya aku suka doang, bukan ngikutin orangnya. semangat terus berkarya ya, aku tunggu lagu kamu yang lain di spotify buat jadi antrian di playlist aku!✨


You're reading this, right?
You're listening to this song, right?

Even though you might not be in the best state right now, you're still alive.

Even though that might be taken for granted sometimes, it shows that you're still fighting and going so, so strong.

One last reminder, there are so many people out there that care so much about you. Some would even die for you, even if you don't think so.

Stay safe out there, and have a good day, stranger. Get well soon. 🍀


Mungkin waktu kita bersama memang tidak lama, dan pada akhirnya pun kita lebih memilih untuk kembali asing. Tetapi sebungkam apapun, sebeku apapun, aku masih menunggu dan terus menunggu. Karena aku tahu bahwa, hatimu lah yang paling hangat. Lekas membaik aku rindu kita yang dulu. // - am


i love when you cover this song with your angelic voice😭


I met you on the corner of the street
I smiled before I even heard you speak
I can accept we're growing older but I guess that's just the way it has to be
I wondered how you still remembered me
I heard you settled down and that you married happily
Oh, do you remember when I told you that I'd love you to the bottom of the sea?
Yeah I know, I know it's over but I guess that's just the way it has to be

Some time in the future maybe we can get together
Maybe share a drink and talk awhile
And reminisce about the days when we were still together
Maybe somewhere further down the line
And I will meet you there
Some time in the future we can share our stories
When we won't care about all of our mistakes
Our failures, and our glories
But until that day comes along I'll keep on moving on
I'll keep on moving on

It's funny how but it still bothers me
I know it's been so long but I did not expect to see oh how beautiful you are
I guess that all that time apart has done you well
But hey I wish you all the best and maybe someday we might even meet again

Yeah, sometime in the future maybe we can get together
Maybe share a drink and talk awhile
And reminisce about the days when we were still together
Maybe some day further down the line
And I will meet you there
Some time in the future we can share our stories
When we won't care about all of our mistakes
Our failures, and our glories
But until that day comes along
Until that day comes along
Until that day comes along
I'll keep on moving on
I'll keep on moving on
I'll keep on moving on


masyaAllah nyari² cover ini dari tiktok akhirnya ketemu juga 🥰 suara kakak merdu sekali🥺 telat banget baru denger 😭


oct 2022, just found this cover . i'm just hooked into it, i love your angelic voice that i almost cried remembering the past . i feel nostalgic, i think i haven't really move on.


" oh, do you remember when I told you that I'd love you to the bottom of the sea?
yeah I know, I know it's over but I guess that's just the way it has to be "


It's been almost 2 years, but i still can't movin on. Susah ya ternyata lupain orang yang udah membersamai hampir 7 tahun. Aku kira hari itu cuman masalah kecil kayak biasanya yang akhirnya bakal balik lagi kaya biasa. Tapi ternyata beda. Ternyata hari itu akhir dari cerita kita, yang sejujurnya sampai hari ini aku gak tau apa alasanmu. Tapi gapapa, selamat berbahagia ya, semoga keluarga kecilmu tumbuh bahagia selalu. Doakan aku segera dewasa menyikapi fase move on ini:)


What a cover, you deserve to make an album!


Selesai di 2015, ternyata masih membekas di 2024 ~ 3 tahun perjalanan kita tak mudah melupakan semua . Walau kini, sudah punya alur hidup ~


Seminggu ini mendengarkan lagu ini dengan hati yang terluka dalam.. 20 tahun bersama sejak kelas 1 SMA, menikah dan bahagia dengan anak2.. Kini akhirnya harus berpisah karena orang tua dan keluarganya.. Saling mencintai tapi sudah sama2 lelah berjuang.. Dear kamu yang saat ini masih menjadi suamiku.. semoga kelak bahagia dengan pilihanmu.. i will moving on with our childs.. i hope we never meet again.. ❤️


Your voice is so beautiful, and I literally want to cry listening. Your voice moves people with emotion. This was beautiful 🥺🔥


Aku dengerin ini setiap hari ga pernah absen anjay😢 suaranya enak bgt kebetulan nyanyi lagu yg aku suka. Semangat terus kk❤


i always broke down to tears hearing this song, i miss my Mom so much. I can't believe i lived this 3 years without her.


One of my favorite songs, great cover! 👍
