LG C1 OLED, 4000 Running Hours | Image Retention Concerns For New Buyers

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Welcome back to the channel guys.
Today we are doing another Image retention video that will feature some talking points for you to consider if you are going into the used OLED TV market with one of the GOAT, the C1 by LG.

I have almost 4000 hours of real use on my TV set and I'd like to speak to you about what you should watch out for.
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I got my C1 in 2021. I have 1700 hours on it. Play video games, watch sports, movies. Everything. Still going strong!! Worth the money if you ask me.


I’m bless with my C9 CX C1 no image retention😊.. I’m rocking these for the next 8-9 years


I just got my first OLED about a year and a half ago, an LG C1 65" and have been absolutely in love with it ever since! At this point I don't think there's anyway I could possibly ever go back to a non OLED TV if at all possible. I'd consider myself a "power user" such as yourself as I'm constantly gaming or watching movies on it and it rarely gets powered off at all and it doesn't have the first hint of retention/burn in at all. One of the main things I've told people that don't feel as if their PS5 lives up to their expectations graphically or otherwise was that hooking it up to my OLED TV made all the difference in the world. I feel it's almost to the point where a person shouldn't bother getting a next gen console until they have a TV that can properly display it for them and take advantage of all the great options available with them. Being able to take advantage of the 3D audio with a Dolby Atmos stereo also goes along way in that as well and is a close 2nd to the OLED as far as what's helped me to enjoy the PS5 so much. It's unfortunate how many people will never bother with even trying to start taking advantage of those capabilities. BTW just recently found your channel and am really enjoying your content so far! Keep up the good work it's much appreciated sir!


Now on my C1 I have 3000 hours, how many hours do you think the panel will still last without losing color and brightness?


Got my C1 Oct 2021, 2377 hours on it. Haven’t noticed any issues so far. *fingers crossed

Nice video bro, keep ‘em coming


I bought c1 55&65 inches last year 2022, I have no regret even though it's pricey compared to led, everytime I watch Netflix. I always say woowwww!!!!


My c1 48’ have like 2300h is wbe 0 problem, I love this tv, playing games and watching movies


Guys, I mostly keep my LG CX turned off, and I try to keep it cool in the summer, with a fan blowing air directly into the screen, keeping those little OLED pixels nice and fresh.

I just hope it won't die on me, I have around 100 hours on it and it's still working luckily!


Goes to show how important a solid warranty is for heavy use. Have a Microcenter warranty for my 55 C1. Will consider looking into it for my 77 C1, 42 C2 & even LG OLED monitor in the future.

Would have been interesting to see what pixel refresh could do after you get your warranty claim filled.


No burn in, no image retention nothing on my C1. But of course I have all my Burn in safety features on as well which if you own an OLED you should have them on because then there is a possibility of these issues if you don't. And I game and watch movies on my C1 for hours. I look at it this way and that is if you have a fear of burn in and image retention then buy LED. Simple as that. Good video TKK.


Why you never ran pixel refresh? Isn’t supposed to be done every 2000 hours?


Hey bro I've been lucky so far with my OLED. I don't have any burn in or image retention issues. I constantly watch different content every day. I've done maybe 3 or 4 Pixel refreshs since I bought the TV in February of 2021.Only if I feel it needs a pixel refresh then I do it.


I started getting image retention after doing the peak brightness sdr hack and turning off screen move. It’s a bummer because game optimizer in sdr is too dim, plus screen move causes the aspect ratio to f up


Man my comment isn't related to the topic but I just wanted to thank you, I found your channel about 2 weeks ago while looking for real information about tvs before making a purchase and your videos played a factor in my decision. I ended up getting the 65 inch s95B. I'm in college so that A95👑 was a bit out of reach lol.


What’s wrong with the pixel cleaning? I had no choice but to do it since I had temporary retention. Seems to be a lot of controversy around it


The c1 is probably the best TV I have ever bought and I've gone through 6 tvs in my life time the c1 being my seventh the key is always doing the research and buying the extended warranty lol cause that saves you but 🍻 to all you c1 owners out there awesome video man 👍.


I’ve had mine for nearly a year and no sign of any burn in or anything

I do however turn my TV off instead of pausing my game when I have to go afk for more than 2 mins


I’m still waiting for my G2 to arrive(hopefully next week) and I was at another store where I bought my Denon X4800H and was talking to the Sony rep there who said that while he couldn’t speak to LG’s he said he doesn’t recommend doing the pixel refresh compensation cycle manually on OLEDS because it can actually lower the life of the tv over time and that it should be done by the TV itself after X amount of hours. I also see quite a few people(Youtubers) going into the service menu and turning off the ABL and logo dimming so the picture doesn’t auto dim. I did pick up a LG service remote but I’m not sure if I want to go that route myself. I will be gaming on my G2 so like you I will power use the tv but not abuse it.


How bright are your settings for the Lg C1/C2?


I bought an LG C1 55" in 2021 November and I can authoritatively tell you that I have no burn-in issue because I never put it on since then 😅 to avoid any burning of any kind..
