The helical model - our solar system is a vortex

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How our solar system moves through space. This is a non-conventional view of our solar system that is different from the standard 'flat' diagrams. We travel, never return to the same spot again. Helical motion, how the planets move through space.
Respect my copyright and do not re-upload.

Thanks to the community for providing translations!

French subtitles provided by the Resonance Project
Greek subtitles provided by vasoula2908

No, this was not made with Universe Sandbox, but with 3DsMax.
Yes, I messed up two orbits.
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So we're all just gonna pretend we knew our solar system was moving all along?


This feels like... a mother with many hyperactive kids...


This song makes it seem like they’re all on their way to fight another solar system


Pluto is chill, others are like "wait for me!!!"


This is my favorite solar system video. The music, the graphics-I love it and love sharing it. Thanks for making it.


The general paths shown here are largely right, but some implications from the imagery, as well as the text, are wrong.
What's right: the trails, if they were merely highlighting the paths followed, would be more or less fine. And the blue ones for the planets are almost like that.

First problem: unlike what it says starting at 0:55, the Sun is NOT like a comet, and it does NOT "drag the planets in its wake".
The yellow trail for the Sun tries to show that, but is misleading. It makes the Sun look cometary, with particles leaving the sun and trailing behind, as if the sun was a rocket and moved through space due to shooting material out in one direction. That is wrong. The Sun moves through space due to gravity, not rocketry. No mass is lost to move it forward. It's essentially doing the same thing a baseball does when you throw it: moving in response to whatever velocity it started with, plus the gravitational attraction of mass around it.

Second, the path the Sun follows is not straight, but curved. This is a minor problem, really a subset of the previous one. I'd excuse it, since on the scale shown, that's actually correct: you can't detect the curvature. But the reason I include it is again, the video makes no mention that the Sun is merely orbiting the galactic center in response to gravity, which makes its path curved. That should be acknowledged in some way. Perhaps including that the motion shown is itself a simplification, in the sense that the yellow path shown for the Sun is not only curved rather than straight, but is itself following a similar helical path, since the Sun orbits the galactic center, and it along with the rest of the galaxy are moving through space as well.

Next, more importantly, note that the motion of the planets is not a "vortex", but a "helix". What's the difference? A helix is simply a geometric concept: what you get when one object (a planet in this case) moves in a circular motion around a center (the Sun), that is itself moving.
A vortex displays a somewhat similar shape, except that
(1) It is generally changing the radius of the circle, decreasing as it goes. That is not the case here: the planets are not spiraling in towards the Sun, but maintaining the same orbit.
(2) More important, a vortex moves that way as a response to some physical force(s). Water in a whirlpool is moving towards some "exit point", the apex of the vortex, it's motion dictated by gravity and the crowding of the other particles around it. With the planets, there is no crowding and no apex, no culmination of the motion.

Finally, the Sun does not "drag the planets in its wake". That implies that the Sun is moving forward due to some force, and the planets are merely being dragged behind. Instead, the Sun AND the planets move "forward" (along their elliptical path around the galactic center) TOGETHER, with ALL of them responding to galactic gravity. If the Sun were magically and suddenly disappear, the planets would move off at a tangent to their current orbits, but they would continue to move "forward" just like now, even without the Sun being there. In other words, that component of their motion has nothing to do with the Sun, but rather is due to the galaxy.


Kudos to the camera man
Yet again he risked his life for us to see how our solar system works


It’s a very pretty video with compelling music and well-done graphics.

However, there’s a problem with it: It’s wrong. And not just superficially; it’s deeply wrong, based on a very wrong premise. While there are some useful visualizations in it, I caution people to take it with a galaxy-sized grain of salt.


Спасибо автору за ролик и субтитры! Очень наглядно, очень впечатляет. Такое новое представление о Солнечной системе созвучно тем знаниям, которые дают в Народном Академическом Университете Эволюции Разума. Надеюсь найти ещё много интересного на этом канале.


Just came back 2 years later for the music


Imagine the whole universe is orbiting around something else bigger..


12 years of education and now I see this.. 🤧 this should be viewed in every class room


we're travelling during a pandemic? Cancelled


"Our Solar System moves through space at 70, 000 km/hr".

No, if you're talking about the Sun's orbit around the core of the Galaxy it's 828, 000 km/hr.

No, the heliocentric model is not wrong. There is no absolute standard of rest.

No, Saturn is not closer to the Sun than Jupiter is.

No, Saturn and Jupiter do not orbit the Sun in lock step.

Somebody spent a lot more time rendering a pretty video than studying actual science.


The Qur'an Surah "ya-sin" 37
وَالشَّمْسُ تَجْرِي لِمُسْتَقَرٍّ لَهَا ۚ ذَٰلِكَ تَقْدِيرُ الْعَزِيزِ الْعَلِيمِ
"And the sun runs [on course] toward its stopping point. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing"


I have such a weird anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach watching this, I don’t mean to scare anyone but I can’t help but wonder “where are we going?”


Love how Pluto is like, “ I follow my own path;)”


02:23 - I wish this guy knew the difference between "vortex" and "helical". Because a vortex is like a tornado, tapering downward to a point. It is conical in shape.
However, think about something obvious here... the path of the planets is NOT tapering downward and inward towards the sun. Each orbit maintains the same distance from the sun, and is describing a helical path through space. Like the threads of a bolt that go around and around the cylinder of a bolt, that curvature shape is known as a Helix... same diameter, not changing, along the length of the bolt.
Like any of the planets' orbits, none are spiralling inward toward the sun, just maintaining their relative distances through space.
So, even while this video is doing a very good job of SHOWING THE HELICAL PATTERNS OF THE PLANETARY ORBITS moving concurrently through space, the author is calling those patterns a Vortex... which they definitely are NOT. And this is eminently provable simply by opening up a dictionary and validating for yourself what I've described above.

The problem, I suspect, is that the author is also (after 02:23) apparently getting into some "magical thinking" theorems about vortex-like and spiral patterns, and is erroneously trying to link the helical shape of planetary orbits into fractal-like patterns of spiralling (vortex-like) patterns in other parts of nature. The fact is, AS THE VIDEO CLEARLY SHOWS (if you keep your "helix/vortex" definitions straight), the two patterns of motion are NOT the same thing.

In other words, the video is clearly demonstrating its own (latter) assumptions false, by reason of the author's incorrect interpretations of the term "vortex".
(Yeah, I know... it sounds kinda and all that, but really, the word just describes cyclonic, tapering patterns of lines or motion. Planetary motion is helical through space, non-tapering, so maybe just start feeling comfortable with "helical" as a new fancy, magical, high-tech-sounding word.)


As someone said in an another post, the sun is the star and the planets are the paparazzi! 🌞


To everyone saying it’s wrong because of one minor detail that’s missing, you’re completely dismissing the whole topic instead of tweaking the idea.
