Incredibles 2 & Our Times: Do We Still Need Superheroes?

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Really smart analysis. This was particularly interesting because it clarified my confusion about the messages of the film. Incredibles 2 isn't saying that superheroes are the answer to all our problems, and its not saying that superheroes are bad and we need to learn to rely on ourselves. It's saying both at the same time. The real evil of the film is believing there's only one answer, only one way of looking at the world. The Deavors' father believed that superheroes would inevitably save him, and perished. But all Evelyn Deavor took from that is the belief that superheroes were bad. Her father's binary thinking passed on to her. If it's not always good, it's bad. If not A then only B. So if superheroes aren't always there to save the day, they themselves are the cause of the crimes they fail to prevent.

This binary thinking is the problem in every aspect of the film. Bob's struggle to be the caregiver stems from his belief that if he's not saving the world, he isn't doing anything worthwhile. And overcoming binary thinking is the biggest act of heroism in the movie.

And as you point out, this is incredibly relevant in this current moment in history. Binary thinking effectively turns off people's brains, and allows them to ignore truth and swallow lies, if the truth doesn't fit their singularly focused idea of highest good, and if the lies do.

This is what superhero stories are for, to examine the moral and philosophical forces in conflict in our society. It's great to see those themes discussed intelligently here. Great job.


Please do a video about Princess Azula from _Avatar: The Last Airbender?_ She's such an interesting, complex and well-written character. A video about Sokka would also be great.


Something i liked is that they made Bob struggle taking care of the kids but not because he's "a dumb dad" or that he has never bothered to spend time with his family. Bob was facing specially difficult moments like JackJack's new powers and Violet's boyfriend issues. Yes, Helen would have fixed the situation a little more easily, but it would still have been a difficult situation.

So yeah, i don't like the trope of "mom's gone and the dad can't help his family because he's a dumbass who aparently has never spent time with his fucking children" but this works because Bob COULD have done a better job if Helen hadn't leave during the worst possible moment.
Also when Bob is having problems he doesn't ask Helen for help, but not because of pride or fear of being told "i told you so", he genuinely doesn't want to ruin his wife's oportunity.


"It's not about deserve, it's about what you believe" - Wonder Woman ;)


Some people might get fatigue. But not me. The heroes stay, always


Thank you so much for this! I loved "Incredibles 2" for exactly the reasons you pointed out and more. It's refreshing to know there are people out there who appreciate it as much as I do.


Yes. We do. More than ever.
That's crazy. I watching the first movie and this video pops up. You could say it's... incredible.😁


although I think evelyn is right to a certain extent. I agree with what you said at the end of the video. It’s what you choose to believe. It’s how you see it. (sorta like the theme for Wonder Woman ?) I for sure firmly believe with helen tho. yes we very much still need superheroes. I’ve always wished they were real so I could be one. but maybe instead of going out and fighting crime I hope to one day become a filmmaker to show and tell stories that inspire bc it seems too often today everybody’s a cynic with a cautionary tale that thinks the human race is ultimately doomed. superheroes being gone for X reasons is nothing new but the way you explained it certainly made me love this movie more. reminds me of the end of the opening cinematic of overwatch (which I sometimes watch til the very end cause it sometimes makes me tear up)
"Look, the people decided they were better off without us. They even called us criminals! They tore our family apart... But look around! Someone has to do something! We have to do something! We can make a difference again. The world needs us now more than ever! Are you with me?" Ik I definitely am, thanks for reading and thanks for the video ! I hope to see more like it


If you ask me, with the way things are going in the real word, we need them more than ever. These movies are what we need right now.


I really did not feel that the world of part 2 felt very different from part 1 at all. A mix of better cgi rendering and different locations may have given a slightly different look, but I never felt for one minute that it wasn't the same world.


The Screen Slaver reminded me a bit the Unabomber. Both used terrorism as a condemnation of technology, the Unabomber foresaw happening what, we and the Screen Slaver see today, and both used violence and terrorism as a misguided means to rebel.


Man after watching the 2nd one I've been craving a 3rd one *ASAP* 😫😫😫


Sappy as it might sound, I like to think watching superhero movies has made me a better person.


For me incredibles 2 is about finding what makes you you and using those skills to help others


Can’t afford to donate to you girls as of right now, but I absolutely love every video essay y’all do. Keep it up! 🎉🎉


It would be great if you could do a video on X-men, and how they're an allegory for minorities! Great content as always :)


Yes, I've heard that All For One guy is crazy.


I think Brad Bird said that he wasn’t deliberately trying to reference any real world political discussion and that any connections people might have seen was all just coincidental? He said that he began throwing around ideas as soon as he was finished the first movie and that it’d be cool to have Bob and Helen’s roles switched for a potential sequel.

Whatever “political” message people might be seeing is mostly in their head.


Yes great stuff as usual. I can't wait to see you guys tackles the Mission Impossible series.
