WL-21 Wind Speed & Direction Data Logger: How to Set the Wind Direction Correctly?

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Scarlet WL-21 measures wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, Beaufort scale, wind chill, ambient temperature. Setting the wind direction correctly is an important step before you start using it. Follow the steps in the video to set the wind direction correctly.

1.Turn on Receiver. Press “Settings” button and go to “Settings”page.
2.Go to “Wind Direction” settings page.
3.Wait for a few seconds for receiver-sensor connection.
4.Press enter on “Correction of Wind Direction” to start the orientation correction.
5.Orient the sensor’s wind vane pointer to the True North.
6.Press enter on “Confirm” to determine the North direction.
7.The last correction date will be updated when orientation correction succeeds.

Also learn about:
What to Look For in Wind Speed and Direction Anemometer?
How to Find the Perfect Anemometer?
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