Why Jack Black Is One Of The Only Actors You Can't Replace

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School of Rock is one of those timeless movies that has appealed to both kids and adults ever since it's initial debut. A big reason for that is the star power behind the movie's lead Jack Black. Jack Black brings a unique energy and point of view to the character Dewey Finn, and to a point that it couldn't be replicated by any other actor. School of Rock didn't make Jack Black's career, but it will always be one of his most popular films.

#jackblack #schoolofrock #nerdstalgic

Written by Adam Smith
Edited by Dan Smiley
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What's your favorite Jack Black movie of all time?


His high kick to weight ratio. That's what makes Jack Black irreplaceable.


I honestly think people don’t realize how great of an actor Jack Black is when given the right material. Honestly, if you pay close enough attention to “Kung Fu Panda, ” you can see his range of skills in how one minute he can say something that makes you bust a gut laughing and the next he can convey a truly depressing and heartfelt scene. He truly is an underrated gift to comedy-drama.


"It's definitely the movie I'm most proud of. That's the only time I felt like I was meant to do something. And honestly, I can die happy, I've got my School of Rock." - Jack Black for GQ, 2019


Agreed, Jack Black put his heart and soul into this film, making Dewey likable, in spite of his many flaws. Also, happy 20th Anniversary to School of Rock!


"Jack Black and Mike White" sounds like the main characters of an 90s sitcom about two total-opposite friends living together in New York City. I like that these people are actually real-life friends!

A buddy cop comedy would also work


I met Jack Black on a road trip to riot fest last year. He was wandering around the Rock and Roll history museum in Ohio by himself with a backpack. He played some music with some fans in the basement. We ended up leaving at the same time and he took a picture with my friend. Great dude


To this day, one of my absolute FAVORITE movies! No telling just how many future teachers this film impacted and inspired. School of Rock is what made Jack Black a national treasure


The reason you can't replace Jack Black is because he is one of the very few famous actors that are genuinely a good person.


School of Rock worked because half the scenes were real. When it comes to teaching and jamming with the kids, you simply cannot fake the level of enthusiasm Jack had for the music and the abilities of those that were playing it. In those moments where Jack is giving each kid some instruction or the moments where he's absolutely floored by their talent there is almost no line between actor and character at all... he simply is acting upon his genuine emotions and feelings in the scene, and even the best actors in our collective human history aren't able to perfectly replicate that feeling.

Nothing is more authentic than the real deal.


School of Rock still has a special place in the hearts of Chicagoans especially. Some of the actors were from Chicago and I’ve had the privilege of meeting Kevin Clark (Freddy) and Rivkah Reyes (Katie) through everyday life encounters years back. This film will forever be a fond part of my childhood. RIP Kevin Clark


Jack isn’t just one of the greatest celebs of all time, but also one of the greatest human beings to ever exist.🙏


Charisma.. one word. Only greats posses it.
Robin Williams is also another. Never a bad film.


I saw Tenacious D live for the first time a few months back. It’s a wild performance where, just for a while, negativity does not and can not exist. It’s like being in the presence of a lightbulb that radiates nothing but positive energy for everyone in the audience.


Whenever School of Rock plays their song at the end it still sends shivers down my spine to this day. Soooo good.


One of the best casting decisions in modern film history. Its the role he was born to play.


This movie was one of my kids comfort movies. At one point in his toddler years, he tried to watch three times in a row (I stopped him at the third attempt). He ended up wearing out two DVDs from how much it was used that we now own our third copy.


I was 10 years old when I first watched this movie (about the same age as the kids in the movie). Jack Black and this movie legit changed my life. All these years later, now I'm a musician and still love this movie so much!


This movie is so good you never get bored it deserves an oscar


School of Rock was a movie that released at the perfect time in my adolescence. It is Jack Black's best performance, in my opinion. It's a beautifully written, directed, and acted film from everyone involved. "Lawrence is good at piano! He shall be rocking in my show!"
