The Bizarre Salem Tomato Trials

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During the Salem witch trial era, tomatoes were believed to be poisonous and sinful. The reason for this belief was that people thought that tomatoes had aphrodisiac powers. This led to the trial of tomatoes, where they were accused of being poisonous and harmful.

Colonel Robert Johnson, a brave soul, was the one who challenged this belief. He organized tomato-growing competitions and even publicly ate a whole basket of tomatoes. Everyone held their breath, expecting some sort of disaster, but to everyone's surprise, Johnson remained unharmed. This was a turning point in the history of tomatoes.

Following this event, tomatoes began to be recognized as safe to eat. People started growing them more widely, and they became a popular ingredient in many dishes. Today, tomatoes are considered a staple food, and they are used in a wide variety of dishes all over the world. It is amazing to think that something that was once feared and reviled is now a beloved and essential ingredient in so many cuisines.

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In 1820,  Robert Gibbon Johnson shocked a crowd at the Salem County Courthouse by chomping down on a basket of tomatoes, proving to spectators that the so-called ornamental fruits were not poisonous. The story is a New Jersey legend.Jan 3, 2020


That guy is a brave soul there eating what everyone thought was poisonous


Now everyone has Leaky guts. The justice system is broken 😞


Bless Robert Gibbon Johnson! Without you we wouldn’t have ketchup.


Tomatoes are poisonous so are potatoes, the more you know.
